Chapter Thirty Four- Bellamy

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Someone has escaped.

Escaped where? Who? How? The questions had not ceased to race through his mind after Sadie had said those three words. Leaving him standing alone in the room, promising to answer all of his questions 'when the time was right.'

Apparently now was not the right time.

He had left the hologram room after a few moments, sat at his desk and after looking over to see Sadie back at her desk working as if nothing had happened, he tentatively started doing the same.

The time had ticked by at an infuriatingly slow rate. As soon as the work day had ended, Sadie jumped up from her desk, called him a car and had stepped in the elevator with nothing but a nod goodbye. All in the space of time it had taken for him to stand from his desk and walk over to hers.

The journey home was dull. The light from the dome above him dimming as the sun set. The people below him jostling around on the streets, heading home to their families or to the community rooms to their friends.

He was heading back to his... space. Back to his own bed. He fell into routine as he stepped out of his car, walked to his room, opened his door. He shrugged out his work clothes and replaced them with his pyjama bottoms. Ordered his dinner. Watched the government channel. Only this time he wasn't watching out for any news about his father's campaign. He was watching intently for any news, and sign of it. It. The escape. Any explanation of the increase in black uniforms on the streets. Any explanation of a person suddenly disappearing.

But there was nothing. Of course there was nothing. He hadn't really expected them to announce it to their little world. There would be uproar, explanations would be demanded.

And the Government explained nothing to no one.

The light on the arm of his chair lit up, indicating it was time for him to stand up. As he did, the chair spun around, into the floor and in its place his bed appeared.

Now this was his escape. Even if only for a few hours, it was his bliss. He waved his hand, turning the TV off, his room falling silent.

"Giles, Lights off."

At his command, the room went dark.

Knowing what awaited him in his dreams, It didn't take long for him to fall into the gentle slumber of sleep.

Was someone crying?

Bellamy awoke, opening his eyes tentatively as the next drop of water hit his cheek, his eyes adjusting quickly to the darkened skies around him. Another droplet hit his face, this time landing on his forehead. Blinking rapidly to stop the water from getting into his eyes, he raised his hands to wipe another water droplet from his face, stopping when he caught sight of his arm.

It was soaking wet, as though he was lying in a pool of water. Tensing, he remembered his last dream. Rain. He had felt rain for the first time. And rain was made of water. Turning his head, he watched as water rippled out from under him. He was lying in a pool of water.

Sitting up slowly, he looked around. The sky was much darker than usual, rain falling in patches, the air cold. He shivered, looking down at his pajama bottoms which were soaking up the puddle he was currently sat in.


Jumping up, he ran through the streets to the little building he knew housed clothes he could change into. Shrugging out of his wet clothes, he picked out some warm looking clothes. A pair of blue, coarse trousers and long sleeved green jumper. Noticing a pair of thick, hardly looking boots like the ones he wore as part of his uniform, he decided they looked more practical for the puddles of water that were starting to grow outside.

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