Chapter Thirty Two- Bellamy

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He had escaped. At least, that was what it felt like. In fact, his mother had agreed with him over breakfast that if he didn't return to work as normal, people would begin to talk. So he was currently sat in a car, speeding through the city, getting ready to put on his game face.

Or whatever his father called it when he lied to people's faces with a smile on his own.

He hadn't had the time to search the data archives to see if his mother's information about Pippa was true. Though from the database available to him at his parent's place, he doubted he would be able to get to the truth anyway.

The government had a way of getting the people to see only what they wanted them to see. Learn only what they wanted them to learn.

The stream of people walking below him, in and out of the buildings around him turned from a jumble of colors, gradually into a stream of blue.

And Black.

Glancing around, he noted there were many more men and women in black uniforms surrounding the tower than usual.

He sat back in his chair as the private car slowed to a halt before it hit the building that housed all the data, before lurching into the air aiming for his office.

Their presence brought chills down his spine. Were they there for him? To make sure he towed the line? To make sure he didn't do anything to disrupt the status quo.

He realized how stupid that idea was. People would think he was crazy if he brought up what was going on, the government would deny it and he would be locked away for good.

Looking over his shoulder one last time, before the car door opened he watched as the guards marched in pairs through the square, their guns in their hands, their presence creating a wide berth from the city goers.

Something must have happened. Something that had scared the government.

The thought brought him an unexpected level of glee.

The door opened right on time, Sadie would not be in a mess trying to find him. She would not suspect anything.

But he wished she would, that she would stand over his desk, her hands on her hips, demanding he tell her everything. Because something exciting had finally happened in his mundane life.

He stepped out of the car, straightening his blue jumpsuit to the best of his ability.

"Morning Mr. Jezebel." Sadie said, smiling with a small wave. "You have an incredibly busy day today- way more than usual, so I have put everything on your desk ready to go!"

"Thank you, Sadie." He replied, scoffing in his head. Of course the government would overrun him with work.

He sat down at his desk, and for the next few hours the outside world disappeared. He was determined to get through everything, even if it meant skipping lunch.

The next few hours flew past, the only noise the tapping of fingers on the screens on the desk. Sadie took the occasional phone call, glancing his way every now and then. But he would not stop to chat with her.

The ping of the elevator alerted him to someone arriving on his floor. Sighing he kept his head down, hoping it wasn't his mother coming to check on him, or someone from data retrieval coming to give him even more work.

When no one knocked on his office door, he grew suspicious.

Glancing up, he glimpsed a black uniform. His heart stuttered.

Rolling his shoulder back, he tried to loosen the muscles that had grown tight in his neck. He needed to see who it was, they were leaning over Sadie's desk, their head obstructed by a strip of frosted glass on his door.

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