Chapter Twenty Five- Pippa

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"You want me to go where?" Finchey was looking at her like she was completely banana's. Which she was. But that was beside the point.

"Please?" She pouted, looking up at him with wide eyes.

"Pippa, that's hours away!" Her best friend rolled his eyes, taking another look at the scrap of paper that he clutched in his hand where she had scribbled the coordinates the moment she woke up.

She walked a little closer, continuing to pout.

"Jesus, Pips." Finchey rolled his eyes.

"Is that a yes?" She grinned from ear to ear, knowing her best friend's weaknesses.

Finchey groaned, holding his head in his hands. "Pippa-."

"Yay!" She cheered, jumping forward and engulfing him into a bear hug. "I'll pack snacks!"

She heard him sigh- whether in frustration or defeat she didn't know, but she also didn't care. She was going to be burying the time capsule today.

Looking up the coordinates first thing this morning her heart sank, the place he had given her was over 100 miles away. It would easily take her over a day to travel down there, plant the box and get back home. It was not a trip she had been relishing until her trusty companion had turned up on her door step bored and looking to do something for the day.

"So why are we going there again?" He said, following her into the kitchen as she reached for a canvas bag from one of the bottom cupboards, ready to fill it with goodies for their travels.

"I told you, I want to bury a time capsule there." She said, grabbing crisps, chocolate bars a few pieces of fruit and a large bottle of water, stuffing them into the bag.

"And you can't so that in your own back garden?" He replied, taking the bag and throwing it over his shoulder.

"Nope." She kept her reply brief and short, knowing there would be no way he would agree to drive her there if he knew the real reason why it had to be this particular spot.

"Ok, crazy lady, we need to go now if we are to make it back home before anyone misses the fact we have been gone too long." He said, walking over to the front door, taking his car keys and jacket from the hooks by its side.

"You are the best person in the world." She told him as she took her own jacket and handbag from the same hooks, throwing in her phone, purse and sunglasses before opening the door.

"Keep reminding me throughout the day." He replied, smirking.

As he walked outside and opened up his car, Pippa raced upstairs to her room. On her desk sat the now sealed and ready to be planted capsule. Tucking it under her arm, she raced back down the stairs. Looking around to check she wasn't missing anything important, she shut the front door behind her.

"How exactly are you planning on burying it?" Finchey asked, leaning on his car looking bemused.

Pippa froze as she was about to open the car door.

Finchey burst out laughing. "You haven't thought this through much have you?" He asked.

"Oh be quiet, I'll get a shovel from the shed." She quipped, opening the car door and putting her bag and the capsule inside before heading around the back of her house to venture into the shed.

After ten minutes of clatters and bangs, she emerged victorious, clutching a shovel in her hand. Rolling his eyes, Finchey opened the boot of his car for her before climbing into the driver's seat and starting the engine.

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