A Little More Touch Me - Request by katy23456bug

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(I will apologize here for I am not good at smut, but I do hate to let down a reader.)

It was unlike you to pick up a straggler during a night out.

Inviting random people into your home, into your bed, wasn't something that was really you.

Your friends? Sure, they'd done it a few times but usually you were the one playing mother hen to them, making sure they got home safely, didn't throw up in their hair and were taking care of themselves the morning after with plenty of water and painkillers.

It wasn't that no one had caught your eye, it was more than their eye didn't seem to catch you.

So it was almost alien to you to have caught the eye of the most handsome man at the bar, at least the hottest in your opinion.

There was something ethereal and captivating about him, almost hypnotic and you found yourself drawn to the man with pale skin and dark hair.

What started as flirtatious looks from across the way soon became flirtatious exchanges from beside you and from there, it snowballed into heavy pants and needing moans as he pinned you against the wall of your flat, cold hands sliding beneath your shirt as you ground against the crotch of his tight, black jeans.

His lips kissed against the line of your jaw, then he dipped his head and nipped at the nape of your neck with his teeth, a shuddering groan being grunted into your ear as you mewled.

"Loki," you gasped desperately, your legs wrapping tighter around his waist.

"I want to taste you."

You flinched back and looked down at him, a strange mixture of arousal and cringing fluttering in your stomach at such a cliché statement, like something straight from an adult film, but you weren't going to ruin the moment and decided to roll with it.

"Go on then," you replied in the sultriest way you could manage.

Your eyes met briefly as he smirked, something flashed behind his gaze that suddenly made you question whether you had made the right decision but it was too late to take it back now.

With a deep chuckle, he grabbed a handful of your hair and pulled your head to one side.

You briefly caught a flash of sharp canine teeth before they were buried into the skin of your neck, making you gasp as your pupils blew wide and a strange sense of euphoria washed over you.

Suddenly, you were hypersensitive to everything.

The brush of his body against yours seemed more intense than before, his fingertips running over your skin sent sensitive tingles through you and his tongue lapping at the blood that seeped from the puncture wounds he had made sent pleasurable shivers down your spine.

It felt like you were floating, your world was hazy and you felt a little giddy.

Your head lolled a little as Loki pulled away, licking at the drop of blood that was rolling down his pale chin, though it just barely missed it.

"Are you sure you wish to continue?" He asked, his teeth stained red from his feast.

You nodded lazily, smiling at him.

"Yes, please."

"So be it."

Loki pulled you away from the wall and carried you to the living room, practically dropping you on your back onto the couch.

You stared up at him as he loomed over you, teasing you with a slow unbuttoning of his shirt while you writhed on the cushions of your worn couch.

From time to time, your eyes would drop down to the crotch of his straining jeans, a needy pulse beating through you each time as you thought about what was hiding behind them, waiting to be used on you.

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