I'm Not a Pony -Lokicorn - Request by ScottishLostGirl

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You stared at the being before you both shock and awe, maybe also with a little bit of confusion.

Okay, more than a little bit of confusion.

"What on earth?"

The lightly tinted green animal in front of you seemed to chuckle at your reaction, his multicoloured tail flicking behind him.

He wasn't as tall as you figured he would be as a stallion, though you had also guessed that he'd be gorgeously muscled and deep black in colour so there were many things you were wrong about.


"What are you..." You found yourself trailing off, your brows and mouth twisted into a bemused grimace.

"I'm a unicorn," he grinned proudly, "you know horned horse, a symbol of pride and all the rag-"

"Yes, I know what a damn unicorn is, but why are YOU one?"

"Oh, that, well you see I needed to use my purest form of magic an-"

Loki was cut off abruptly as you snorted in laughter, unable to control the outburst that took even you by surprise.

You covered your mouth as you laughed harder, Loki gave you an unamused look but waited for you to finish your outburst none the less.

"Are you quite done?"

"No," you sighed heavily from your chest, wiping at your eyes.

"And what's so funny?"

"You and pure are two things that do not go together, Loki."

"Yet I still managed to take this form, seems that I'm full of surprises."

Even in this equine form you could see the arrogance radiating off of him, the way he tilted his head as he spoke only accentuating the vibe.

"It just goes to show that you aren't just a one trick pony," you smiled, chortling at your own joke.

"I'm not a pony, I'm a unicorn."

"You're a pony wearing a golden helmet with a horn on the end, if the helmet has the horn and it's not connected to you biologically does that still make you a unicorn or a cosplayer?"

"It's rude to give unicorns an existential crisis."

"I'm a rude person."

"Clearly," he rolled his black eyes, turning away from you. "I guess someone just talked themselves out of a free ride."

"Aw," you pouted playfully, even though he couldn't see it, "come on, I'll pamper you, take you to the stable, brush you down and feed you some candyfloss."

"Now you're being patronising."

"Maybe a little."

You stepped beside him and rested your hand on his back, dragging it up his body until you reached his colourful mane and imbedded your fingers into the hair.

As your digits ran through the unsurprisingly luscious locks, you rested your head against his with a warm smile.

"You know I love you."

"Sometimes I wonder," he huffed, the sound coming out more of a typical equine snort than a human scoff.

You laughed and began to stroke down his neck, enjoying how soft his hide was as your fingers pressed into the taught muscles hidden beneath.

Loki turned his head towards you, giving you the opportunity to reach up and place your other hand on the side of his muzzle as you leaned in and gave his cheek a quick kiss.

"Come on, let's go on this adventure of yours."

"What? I never said that you could come along."

Moving away to step back a little, you rest your hands on his shoulders and awkwardly hoist yourself onto his back.

It took a few tries and a lot of effort, but you eventually managed to climb on top and shimmy yourself until you were sitting a little more comfortably.

Holding onto his mane gently, you give his sides a little nudge with your heels.

"Ready when you are."

"I didn't think you were ready to go bareback yet?"

Loki chuckled whilst you rolled your eyes, giving him a harder nudge in the ribs.

"Just go, horseboy."

"I told you, I'm a unicorn."

You ignored him and pointed forward dramatically at absolutely nothing.

"Tally-ho for Asgard!"

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