Something We Don't Have - Request by X_Sinfull_Trash_X

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Trips to the park could always be a funny time for me.

Sometimes they were calm and peaceful, leaving me feeling at peace with myself, other times they were stressful, especially when the older kids were out to play and the screaming and yelling took over the initial quiet, those times I would usually leave early.

Then there were times like that particular day.

It had started as normally as any other, I got up, washed, ate and headed off for a morning of work, covering a shift for someone who needed a half day to visit a healer.

After that brief shift I had another bite to eat before meeting with my boyfriend in the local park.

I still couldn't quiet believe that I had won the heart of a Prince, yet here we were a year and a half later, still going strong and perhaps more in love than we had been during the honeymoon phase.

Loki still seemed to want to spend as much time with me as we could, to treat me like I was an equal and not beneath him like my true status was.

We were happy and that's all we cared for.

Until that day.

It was late afternoon when we met in the park, I had arrived first and sat on our usual bench under the low hanging branches of a tree we had designated as our own.

A little breeze picked up in the Asgardian air and caused me to shiver a little, though my tolerance to chills had started to subside over my time with Loki, who had always been cool to the touch.

Shifting on the bench, I wrapped my arms around me and held my coat tighter to try and retain some of the heat that was gradually dwindling.

To my right, children screamed with laughter as they played on the various park apparatus, their parents standing about in their own conversations as their children played merrily, with hardly a care in the world.

Children of various ages played together, tagging, shoving and swinging, all smiling widely as they climbed over intricately created climbing frames.

As I watched, my mind started to drift off into its own world.

I imagined a young boy, with wide eyes that were primarily blue but with hints of green in the fading sunlight and wild black hair joining in their fun, his knees dirty from tripping over into the mud and a gap in his teeth as he grinned with excitement, the poking of a newly growing adult tooth starting to come through the gum to replace the missing one.

As he climbed onto the frame behind some of the other children, he held on tightly with one hand and twisted to look at me, waving eagerly.

I smiled and wanted to wave back, but managed to pull myself out of it before making myself look foolish by waving at thin air.

While sparing a quick glance around myself, I think over what I had just imagined.

I was still deep in thought when a strong arm snaked around my waist and pulled me against a leather clad body, a kiss being pressed to my temple as he hummed a soft greeting to me.

"You look deep in thought," he commented, pulling away a little and looking at me with concerned eyes. "Are you alright?"

"Yes," I nodded, "I was just thinking."

"About anything in particular?"

"Very," I laughed faintly, "but it's probably something best kept to myself."

"Is there a reason for that?"

"I don't wish to scare you off."

I smiled and looked at him, my heart fluttering as it always did when we had moments like this together.

"I highly doubt that you can scare me off," Loki chuckled, pressing a quick kiss to my lips.

"You never know," I said with a sigh, taking hold of the hand that was resting on my hip, "it's a big thing."

"You won't know until you share, we may have similar thoughts."

I hummed softly in agreement and looked back towards the children who had stopped playing, for the most part, and were being rounded up by their parents to go home now that the light was almost completely gone.

Absentmindedly, I found my free hand rubbing my stomach and I drifted off once again, imagining my stomach round and taut with child, our child.

There was a strange want in me to experience this life changing event, to watch our child grow, to feel them move and to love them unconditionally.

I was pulled from my musings once again when Loki's free hand took hold of the one I had been rubbing my stomach with, causing my to look up at him.

He returned my gaze with a soft expression.

"Are you thinking what I think you're thinking?"

"More than likely."

"How long have you felt like this?"

"Not long, it's something I've thought of before but it's never been as strong as it is today."

"And it's not..." he trailed off and pulled a face that read pure awkwardness, causing me to laugh.

"No, it's not 'that' kind of hormone shift," I shook my head with a large smile, "I just, I don't know, I want something we don't have, something that is both of us."

"That's a very creepy way of putting it."

"I have my moments I suppose, but it doesn't take away from the fact."

I closed my eyes and rested my head on his shoulder, Loki rubbed my hip and lay his head atop mine as we sat in silence for a couple of beats.

"Are you sure about this?" He asked finally, his tone unreadable.

"I am, Loki, I want a baby."

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