A True Trickster - Part Five - Supernatural/Marvel Crossover

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Barging into the room probably hadn't been your smartest idea.

You had managed to get a few snarky lines out after startling her, aimed your gun and get thrown across the room all in a space of barely a minute and a half.

Loki had somehow managed to coax a few people to safety, but hadn't gotten far when Hela caught him and they ended up sharing a long round of blows so incredulously strong that you were thankful that you weren't fist fighting with her.

He had been doing well, magic was flying about and for a brief moment it seemed like he was getting somewhere, but it wasn't much longer before he grew weary and he too was thrown with undue force and collided with a wall that promptly crumbled under his impact.

You hadn't noticed at first that you hadn't just been flung across the room as was typical of a demon, it took a minute for you to realise that you had in fact almost been impaled within an inch of your life by some strange black dagger-like thing, that now hung you against the wall by your clothes.

This made you worry all the more about Loki, there was every chance that he had actually been hit and you wouldn't know until he got up.

It seemed he was down for a while after the impact, probably having hit his head pretty hard.

You started to squirm about as Hela turned her attention to the people attempting to sneak out behind the ones Loki had helped, her one eye narrowed as the other stared wildly without a socket to close over it.

She was a sight to behold up close, a true beauty even with her half-monstrous looks.

The squirming took longer than you wanted but it all felt worth it when you felt the spike begin to wiggle as you moved, a smile spreading on your face as you continued with rougher movements and prepared to soften your landing once it had come loose completely.

From the corner of your eyes you could see Loki stirring, a small groan of discomfort barely being audible over the whimpers and cries of the victims in the room.

Loki had just managed to push himself up onto his knees and started to climb onto his feet, you felt the spikes finally give and you promptly dropped to the floor, landing awkwardly on your right ankle which caused you to hiss in pain.

But you knew that you had to ignore it and power through, this was hardly the worse pain that to had felt in your years of hunting, that being said any amount of pain was still a minor inconvenience when fighting.

Using the chance while Hela was distracted you moved around the room, staying as close to the wall as you could.

You weren't exactly sure on what you planned to do, but so far your idea was to circle around her and try to get a headshot before she could mutter another arrogant command about being prayed to.

Loki watched as you moved and took it upon himself to act as bait, despite the fact that his head was spinning.

He flicked out his wrist and conjured up a small, silver dagger that he threw towards her with an elegance that only a well-versed God could have.

The blade of the dagger grazed over her flesh-covered shoulder and she immediately snapped her attention to Loki with a venomous sneer.

"Wow," she drawled out, moving a hand up to the wound and letting the blood coat her fingers, "did you really just try to kill the Goddess of Death?"

Hela's eyes narrowed as she stepped down from the stage, leaving behind the body of the actor whose throat she had slit to gain the audience's undivided attention.

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