Chapter 11: The Secret Behind the Flowers

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I am SO sorry about the SUPER DUPER long wait for this chapter... school has started... and it's been tough to squeeze in writing time :( this is not my best chapter BUT YOU CANNOT BELIEVE WHAT I HAVE IN STORE FOR YOU ALL NEXT CHAPTER! :) it is going to fastforward 2 years chapter 12! BE ON THE LOOK OUT! :)) vote and comment!! :) hope you like it! :) (to the left is the picture of the stained-glass window)

p.s.: I skipped doing homework to write this chapter for you guys ;)

Chapter 11: The Secret Behind the Flowers

Harry Styles’ P.O.V.

“We’re here” The driver said after he parked the car in front of what I assumed was Carla’s old house.

His voice snapped me out of my trance. Staring at those one-of-a-kind amber eyes ensnared me in a daydream; one that I didn’t want to be freed from.

We all filed out of the car, and I quickly picked up my pace to follow after Louis who had his game face on.

When Louis sensed my presence next to him, he looked to the left, and he immediately dropped the serious look on his face and replaced it with a cheerful one, sending a smile my way.

Together, we talked towards the house, following the F.B.I. and investigators. Before we even arrived at the doorsteps, the door opened, revealing a woman who looked like she was in her mid-thirties and a man who was about the same age as her. They both had a friendly appearance and greeted us with warm smiles. The agents and investigators gave them a friendly gesture and ‘thank you’ as they entered their house.

As Louis and I entered their house, we gave them a small wave and smile as they hospitably welcomed us into their house.

“Good Morning, Mr. and Mrs. Keller. Thank you for allowing us to investigate your house.” Agent D said as he grinned gratefully at the couple.

“Oh, it’s no problem.” Mrs. Keller said, while waving her hand carelessly in front of her face showing that it was no big deal. “But, please, call me Petunia, and this is my husband Derek.” She smiled at us, revealing her pearly whites. “Can I get you anything to drink?” She looked at all of us that gathered in her fairly modern living room.

Everyone responded with murmurs of ‘no thank you’.

“Oh, okay. Please, have a seat.” She gestured to a couch.

“Thank you for your hospitality, but is it okay if we investigate your backyard first?” Agent D asked, politely.

“Oh, yes of course!” Petunia said, as she gestured us towards the backyard.

As I tagged along with the crew, Agent D stopped walking and turned to look at me. His face was solemn and unreadable, completely contrary to when we first met him.

“Harry, please wait inside while we investigate this case. We don’t need you here to help us, so it would be better if you just stood aside and let us do our job.” Agent D coldly informed me.

His words were harsh. Considering he could pull off such a cheerful and jubilant vibe to Louis and give me such a cold and bitter tone just proved how good of an actor he was. I was shocked by his sudden change of mood. Was he just being nice to Louis so that he could get something out of him? I doubt it. Whatever, it is just for today, so I can deal with Agent D’s rudeness.

I decided to take a seat on the couch in the living room while the agents, investigators, and Louis went outside.

Sitting on the couch alone, I was bored to death. With nothing to do, I began to observe the Keller’s comfortable abode. The walls were a comfortable tan color like the sand. The sofa, which formed an ‘L’ shape, was a very light beige color. Smaller, dark brown pillows sat in front of the couch cushions.

More Than This (Harry Styles) {COMPLETED}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora