Chapter 47

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the next day, give me some ideas, I'm running out of them

Q Pov
I was so geeked up this morning, because today is the day me and Billie get to hang out. We did hang out yesterday but it's a little different today. Today is the day that'll get the chance to tell our friends about our engagement, and we're gonna try to plan the wedding day and everything. What really made me excited the most is that I might get some pussy, hopefully I do Billie was on her period for too long. "Hey babe?, are you done?!", I yelled across the room, as she got ready in the bathroom. "Not yet babe!", she yelled back. "Ok, hurry up!!!", I yelled as I watched an basketball game. "Don't rush me!, I'm done anyway, let's go", she said as she posed for me, my jaw just dropped, as I couldn't handle her beauty.

"Take a picture it lasts longer", she said as she smirked. "Will do and some videos too", I said as I licked my lips and pulled out my phone. "Do I really look that good?", she said as she tried to cover herself. "Babe you look good in anything, and the fact that you're not wearing baggy clothes, even thought I don't care if you wear them or not, makes me horny", I said as I licked my lips. "Oh really?!, well guess what, your can get all of this once we get home", she said as she sat on my lap and wrapped her arms around my neck. "Damn, ok", I said as I squeezed her ass and continued to lick my lips.

The date was pretty good, we was just talking and walking the park as we hold hands.

Billie Pov
"Hey guys!", I said as we meet up with our friends. "Hey Billie!, oooh where did you get the ring it's gorgeous?!", Noah said. "We're engaged!!!", I said as I wanted to get that out for awhile now. "OMG!, you have to let me be your best woman or one of your brides!!", she squealed. "You know it", I said smiling. "CONGRATUFUCKINLATIONS!!!!", Xan yelled as he had his arm wrapped around Noah. "Thanks", we said in unison as we laughed. "Congrats y'all", Icy said as he each of us a job. Eventually everyone congratulated us and we just hung out, we just talked about our wedding plans as we got drunk. "Yeah, I don't know why I said yes", I said laughing.

"Babe, your wild as fuck for thinking I want you", he said laughing. "Yeah, lets go hop off a cliff or some shit", I said chuckling. "Let's go dude", he said in a surfer boy voice. "Whoa!, Whoa! Whoa!, you guys are totally wasted, you need to calm it down", Gully said. "I'm ok dude, this shits hit the spot, I'm talking about my vagina", I said laughing as I got red. What can I say?, you say stupid shit while you're drunk. "Bruh, me and Noah are leaving dude, catch ya later", Xan said as he laughed, and hold Noah as she was so wasted. "Bruh your missing out on this shit!!!", I yelled wondering why they're leaving.
"We'll bring a couple bottles", he said as they left the little bench in the park to go in their car.

"Yeah, we're gonna go too", Icy said, as everyone but Gully followed him. "Congrats again!", Denzel said. "Congrats on what?!", I yelled as I laughed maniacally. "Your engaged!!", he said laughing. "Oh that shit, I forgot", I said laughing. "What engagement?!", Q said confused as he looked at all of us. "I don't fucking know, I guess our engagement babe", I said continuously to laugh. "Oh shit, when is it?", he said looking around. Haven't planned that shit yet, we went home after awhile. Gully decided to stay to make sure we didn't do some dumb shit, and we had a pretty good time. And I was looking like a bad bitch as I wore this:

 And I was looking like a bad bitch as I wore this:

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to be continued......ok bitch not to spoil the story but to spoil the story, well i was gonna think about doing a bunch of times they go on dates, but that's shits boring and of you have any ideas please comment down, what you'd like to see. see ya next time, give me some ideas or no more chapters until a long fucking time

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