Big ticket festival 6/26-29/19

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Gretchen went to the house, so juju and I hung out at camp; talking and listening to music. Gretchen came back, took Kenna home, stopped at the bank, and then dropped off juju and I at big ticket festival.
We saw a dude wearing an NF shirt. I ran up to tell him I liked his shirt.
"Yea, me too," is what he said. Juju and I did a scavenger hunt. Fred, from the promise Fm tent, told me not to get arrested. Emily L and her mom were in a tent doing origami.
I ran into Dave, Andy, and some other people I know. I saw Ryan, and he didn't recognize me, and barely remembered my name. I'm offended. Juju and I filled a box for operation Christmas child. This year, there was games. One of the games, you had to shoot basketball hoops. I got it on the first try, and the guy said,
"I should have asked if she played basketball."
I saw a nun in real life for the first time today. I got a picture with her. She asked me what my name was, and said she'll pray for me.
Juju and I got close to the stage for Danny Gokey. She really liked him. She wanted to get a picture with him, so at the end, we went to the merchandise tent. We met a little Daniel, and this Little Daniel could never remember jujus name.
6/27 We got to big ticket after juju took forever to get ready. It was so hot outside, so juju and I went in the Wellspring tent, in the shade, colored, and made bracelets.
There was this dude that was really talkative. I invited him to sit by us. He was so funny and sweet. He has bible verses memorized. He had a good taste in music, too. We talked about Queen and Michael Jackson. His name is Nathan. He gave me his Instagram and Snapchat. We both agreed that Tom Holland is a cutie. We talked about Danny boi. Isaiah walked in the tent, and Nathan starts yelling,
"Hi Isaiah! I love you! I smell like Cheetos!"
He probably scared the kid. Isaiah isn't a really social person.
I got invited by the Miniers to sit by them during a Neshama concert. Neshama would play at our church all the time, but they moved to Tennessee. Michele, the mom of the Miniers, has known my mom for a long time. Michele's husband and my mom used to be on the worship team at Efree church a long time ago. My mom played drums. Drew, one of her kids, my age, doesn't really talk much. Michele was telling me how big ticket is bittersweet for her. Now her kids are old enough to do things on their own, but when they were younger, she always had her sister help with them. Her sister passed away, so big ticket reminds her of her sister.
I told her how my moms situation is similar. Tyler and I are old enough to do things on our own, but when we were younger, our aunt Laura was always helping my mom. Now, she's not around very much.
Juju and I went up to the stage to get good spots for For King & Country. I was getting so impatient. I've been waiting to see For King & Country since they announced last year that they were coming. There was a sweet Indian lady standing by us. I don't remember her name, but it was a very pretty name.
So we were close to the stage, plus I'm standing on a crate so I could see because I'm short. Luke came off the stage and walked right past us. I was fangirling so much that my legs were shaking. Jujus dad ended up picking her up early for some reason. There was a dude in front of us during the concert, Xavier, he made sure I didn't fall off the crate. I got his number, so he could send me any good pictures he took. My mom was so happy that they played little drummer boy.
6/28. Jujus dad took us to bamboo palace for lunch before big ticket. I got Mac and cheese cuz I probably wouldn't like anything else. Jujus dad was really mean about it; told me I'm never gonna go anywhere in life. We ran some arronds, and then went to big ticket festival.
Juju and I were looking at bracelets. I saw a dude wearing a shirt that said something about dad jokes.
"That's reeds shirt."
Turns out, the guy knows reed. He sent reed a picture of juju and I and told him what we said.
Juju and I went to watch shiny penny in the wellspring tent. Our buddy Nathan was there, and I got him to dance with me. Him and I were then judging jujus lack of dancing.
The map came back from his Europe trip and hung out with us. He was telling me the story how he found out Danny Boi and I kissed. The Map is now Sherlock. We got a picture with Neshama, his favorite band. We introduced Sherlock to Nathan. Then, some of jujus friends showed up, and Nathan and I didn't want to talk to them, so he starts teaching me how to swing dance.
Nathan and I left the group, and I introduced him to Zach. Juju and I left early cuz the headliner was a comedian, and we wanted to take showers, eat, and go to bed early. My mom was happy and gave me a hug, cuz she's been having to get up early for work, and been getting home late because of big ticket.
We stopped at the court house and took pictures. The sky was pretty.
6/29. I attempted the rock wall today, and I didn't get very far. I have small legs. We went to watch Heath Mcnease with Nathan. Nathan just kisses his friend, who is a guy, on the cheek, out of nowhere. I look at juju, and she looked at me. I walked away and tried climbing in a trash can. He can't be gay.
Juju wanted to see Veridia and Random Hero today. I don't really like them. Not my style of music.
We went to see shiny penny on main stage. We saw Michele, and she wanted to get a picture with juju and I. We saw the sweet Indian lady again. We told her we loved meeting her, and she called us beautiful.
We went to the bathroom to refill our water bottles. There was two other woman in there. They were fangirling over Neshama. I wanted to tell them that I know them personally.
Juju left early cuz she's an uncultured swine. So, I was walking around trying to find the Miniers, but I found Dave instead, so we talked a few. The sky was really pretty, so I went to take pictures. I saw Isaiah's dad, and he decides to talk to me.
"I think you guys scared Isaiah the other day. I think Seth is the only person he talks to. He's so weird. If you really want to get him to talk, talk about politics and Trump. My other kids are normal, but I don't know how I messed up so much on him. He's so weird."
I was so shocked. That isn't very nice to say about your child. I saw Liv, and hung out with her the rest of the night. Big ticket has been so good this year. I'm gonna miss the new friends I've made.

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