Michael Jacksons birthday 8/29/19

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I had a headache and dad and the kids were being so frustrating, so I was happy when mom got there and picked me up. We got pizza and a chocolate cake and sat at the energy outlet. I played her wonderwall by Oasis and Cigarette daydreams by Cage the Elephant on my ukulele. Then she dropped me off at Juju's house.
    Juju and I went to her grandparent's house so she could do laundry. We were all sitting at the kitchen table. I mentioned that it's Michael Jackson's birthday, and her family started singing happy birthday to Michael Jackson.
    I sat on juju's grandparent's porch step crying about Daniel and school. We bought eggs at the corner store. When it got darker, we walked to Daniel's street, trying to find his house. We were going to throw an egg at him. Unfortunately, we couldn't find his place. I don't want to go to school.



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