My 18th birthday 12/1/2020

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I woke up this morning and attended school through zoom calls. Women's chorale sang me happy birthday.. Then I watched 10 Things I Hate About You, waiting for what seemed like forever for Ben to get out of work to pick me up. Chris let Ben leave at 2pm, and he headed straight to my house. I gave him a bag of hershey kisses on the way to his place.
When we got there, he got in the shower. I watched The Office, classy christmas because Dwight and Jim's snowball fight is so funny. Ben was in the shower for a bit, but not long enough for the episode to finish. He got done and went to his room with a towel wrapped around his waist, and walked to his room to get dressed. I sat on the couch and waited for him.
He came out and we tried playing the game he wanted to play, but I'm stupid and didnt understand it. We played aggravation. We wrestled over this cat toy that's a miniature corn on the cob. When he was losing, he'd pick me up and swing me over his shoulder. We wrestled a lot for a while over that toy. He smelled good.
We watched a movie called The Wrong Guy. Ben said I'm old because my favorite movie, My Girl, is older than me. His movie was actually funny and wasn't too bad. The dude reminds me of Brandon, and now Ben says he's going to think of Brandon when he watches the movie now.
There was a tickle war that I guess I started. He tickled me a lot. His parents came home, and whenever they came into the living room, Ben would sit up, and pretend he did something wrong. He was then putting his fingers around my ankle, and saying how small I am. His hand is bigger than my foot. I braided his hair. He gave me his hat that he's always wearing. He put his hand in mine, saying it was corn too, because my nails were painted yellow.
We played a game called We're Not Really Strangers. One of the things I asked Ben is what he admires the most about me. He said it's the fact that I'm straight forward with everyone, like Daniel and people at work such as Day. We looked through each other's music. He has Lady Gaga on his phone. He also has Ghost Town by Kanye west. He also has Michael Jackson.
It was dark, and the moon was reflecting on the lake. We decided it was time for me to go home. We exchanged notes at the end of the game. I wrote in my note that I think the reason we met is for him to make me laugh, and make me happy because life isn't all that great.
In the car, he let me pick the music. I played See you again and Boredom by Tyler, The creator. I also played Animal by Neon trees. I still don't think he got the hint. It's ok. We talked briefly in the car about how I don't like going home. He unbuckled and gave me a hug. We pinky promised that we had a good time today. I read his note when I got inside my room.

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