Sophmore christmas concert 12/20/18

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I stayed after school today cuz I had two shows of the Christmas concert for choir. Liv had to run some arronds with her mom, so I was kinda by myself, but Hayden came and hung out with me. I showed him Buddy the elf, the cardboard cut out by the wellness center. We went to annoy ian. He was sitting in one of the practice rooms by himself with the door closed being a loner. Liv came back. I ran to her and told her to catch me. First show was good.
In between shows, I was talking to Day. I spilt some tea.
"You're a queen. Tyler is a king. You need to get married."
"Isn't that how kids become autistic?"
I was eating snacks. There was cheese. I like cheese. "I got cheese!"
"What, are you, like, a mouse?" Said Satan.
Marie, uncle Matt, and my mom came for the second show. Satan was being a bad influence on Marie. She sprayed water at me.
Second show was good. I messed up a lot in both shows. At the end, Liv said Daniel had flowers for me. I went to see him. I gave Daniels mom a hug, and Daniel got mad,
"Wow, she gets a hug first, okay."
Then I gave him a hug, and he gave me the flowers. His step dad comes up to me,
"What am I? Chop liver?"
And he picks me up off the ground and gives me a hug which was really uncalled for, and he made me feel uncomfortable.
Devontae was showing Daniel his legos. Them two are best friends now.

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