Never give up on things, feelings, people that make you feel alive 6/11/20

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Just a month, year, two years, and four years ago, I would not picture life as it is now.
So many things have fallen into place recently that I've been hoping and praying for, for a long time.
Freshman year was a rough time, being in a new school building and having to learn new norms, new standards, and be with new groups of people.
I had a fall out with someone who was a very big part of my life. They took me in at a dark time and we clicked instantly, and we were inseparable. She was my best friend. We would go on all these adventures, and she showed me a light in the dark time. She became a sister, and her family became my family, her mom and dad, my own mom and dad, her brother and sister, my own brother and sister. I went through some stuff mentally and said some stuff I didn't mean, and had lost that part of my life.
I started sophomore year without that family, and it was hard. I did, however, get closer to this sweet boy. He became my best friend. Our story started freshman year, and It's complicated, long, kinda sad, but I wouldn't change it, it's my favorite.
Junior year, I spent trying to find a job. No one wanted to hire me because I haven't had work experience yet. I needed a job.
The whole covid pandemic brought me down because it seemed like it took everything away from me. For choir, we just had festival and scored high enough to go to states, which covid lead to there not being a states. I was making friends at youth group. I was talking to that one person who used to be a big part of my life. I was supposed to be getting a job at a restaurant that needed urgent staff. Things seemed to be looking up, and then it seemed to be taken all away in just one day.
I went through the days of quarantine. I drew, painted, listened to music, played ukulele, wrote, watched Disney + and Netflix, and wrote letters.
I started working at a pizza place in town, and the sky turns pretty colors after my shifts. Church opened back up again, and I was able to walk up to that family again and give them a hug. I never thought I would be able to do that again. I finally have my best friend, that sweet boy, as my partner, the love of my life.
A month ago, year, two years, four years ago, all these things seemed so impossible. I thought I would never get my first job. I thought those people would never let me back into their life. I thought he would never notice me or feel the same way I did, when I've never felt the way I've felt about him with anyone else in the world. I survived freshman year, sophomore year, junior year, and now I am a senior. I'm onto my last summer of being a teenager and then onto my last year of highschool in my small town I grew up in. When I was a freshman, I thought senior year was so far away, and now here I am.
Never give up on things, feelings that make you feel alive, and people who are important to you. Some days, it all may seem impossible, it may take a month, or a year, or two, or four; but you fight for what you want and for what you believe. Things you want in life don't always come easy. The tears you may shed are worth it in the end. Keep your head held high and stay strong. You got this. Fight for what you want and don't give up on what's important to you, and what makes you feel alive.

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