Homecoming game 2019 10/4/19

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In English class, we read Fahrenheit 451 and answered some questions. In sociology, we took a test on culture. Zach wasn't there. I took another test in world history. In choir, we rehearsed for the national anthem. Lunch, I sat with Lauren and Lexi, and went to visit Hayden. Took a test in living chem. In algebra two, I got dismissed early because of choir. We all rehearsed the national anthem and baba yetu since we had all the choirs together. The choir sang the national anthem for the pep rally.
After school, I hung out with Cheyenne and we talked a lot. I saw Daniel, Elmo (Logan hanel), and Kenna. Elmo wanted me to walk with him to his locker. Daniel came too. Kenna was working.
"Look guys, It's my sister."
"Is that really your sister?"
"That's cool."
Cheyenne and I went outside early for the national anthem. The speakers by the football field were playing throwback songs, so I was dancing and scaring Hayden. I showed him that funny pumpkin, watermelon video. I saw Satan and ran up to him and gave him a hug.
The choirs sang the national anthem for the homecoming football game, and then I went to the pavilion and waited for Dashia.When Dashia got there, her and I walked to the gym doors of the school, and Kenna took Dashia's stuff, so she wouldn't have to carry it around the football field. Dashia and I walked around the football field during the game, and we talked. She told me about Jeramiah, and I told her about Daniel. It was nice to be able to finally talk about
things, in person, just like middle school. I also told her about Zach (pizza sock kid).
"Isn't that the guy you think is cute?" Dashia asked, and these boys in front of us, turned around, and looked at us.
"Not you guys, um, I'm not saying you're ugly, Jesus loves you."
"Jesus loves you too," one of them said softly.
We saw Mr.Neff, a teacher we both had in middle school. We asked him if he remembers us.
"Um, yeah..."
We saw Hayden, and he took pictures of Dashia, Cheyenne, and I. What a photographer. Dashia had fun meeting Hayden and Tristan.
Ashleigh's mom gave me money to get something to eat. Dashia and I went in line to get food. I got pizza, of course. It was Jets pizza and it tasted like cardboard.
Dashia and I left before the game ended. Kenna had Gretchen take us to Glens/ Family fair, and we got stuff to make cookies.
We tried to watch good burger on Aliks' laptop when we got home, but the laptop is a piece of crap, so we just went to bed.

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