Self love is doing whats best for you 12/7/2020

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Last night, my cousin was over.We were in my room talking. She asked me how life was going, and I began talking about work, I talked about Ben, and I started dancing around my room and being goofy. She sat there for a couple minutes.
"What?" I asked.
"I haven't seen you this happy in a while."
I went and thought about how a couple months ago, I was so upset. I was devastated. I thought I'd never let go of this person, even though they treated me poorly, and I always got hurt. I still kept them around. But, I finally let them go. I stopped talking to them for a while. And it was hard, but I got through it. I started doing things for me, going on my wild adventures that I love. I started making friends and growing closer to new people. I still got upset, obviously, as healing is a messy process.
I got upset sometimes. I remember telling myself that it was going to take me forever to find someone again, become best friends, get that close to them, and love them. But then Ben came around. I wasn't even looking for anything more than a friendship at first. I never expected to like him. But I noticed how I felt so at peace around him. I noticed he had this big heart. I noticed how he never failed to make me laugh and smile all the time. It's like my laugh is his favorite sound. I like hanging out with him and being around him. He's shown me so much genuine care, and respect. He stood up and treated me the way I should be treated. For that I'm forever grateful.
I think it makes a big difference who you have in your life. If you have people in your life who treat you poorly, you are not going to be living a happy life. If you have people in your life who genuinely care about you, and support you, they will make you a better person.
Sometimes you have to do what's best for you, even if it's hard at first. Even if it means letting go of someone you never thought you'd let go of. There are going to be bad people in your life who hurt you, but there are also many people in your future who you haven't even met yet, who will make you laugh till you can't breathe. There will be sad memories, but there are so many happy memories you haven't experienced yet that will leave you smiling all day.
In the end, just do what's best for you. It might suck at first, but everything gets better, and so much brighter; the universe might surprise you.

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