"Funny Joke Minn ." Marlon laughed , pulling Brody closer to him .
"But tell us the truth ."

Minerva sighed and shook her head .
"Sophie brought him in ."

Marlon's blue eyes widened .
"Oh shit .. you're being serious ?"

"Mhm ." The red head hummed , leaning her head on Violet shoulder. She was aching all over .

"Well .. that's nice of her ?" Brody said with surprise . She didn't think Sophie would do something like that . Violet planted a soft kiss onto of her girlfriends head , smiling into her hair .

"You should've stay off Minnie ." Violet said , worry playing her tone .
"You're really sick."

"Ah I don't care . It's a life lesson to me ." Minerva giggled to herself , clasping Violet's hand in hers .

"Meaning ?" Louis questioned , staring at his phone .

"I will never drink on a school night .. ever again ." The red head said , making a few people chuckle .


"Fuck .. sorry Tenn . No toothbrushes here ." Sophie huffed ,  backing out from the cupboard she was looking in . She was looking for basic utilities and the toothbrush was the only thing that the Leigh's didn't have spare .
"I'll go buy one for you."
The small boy fiddled with his fingers as he watched Sophie count her money on a desk.
"Are you coming with ?"

Tenn stuttered , picking his skin from around his nails .
"Can .. can I stay here ? Please ."

Sophie placed a hand on her hip as she slid a few coins into her pocket .
"Sure .. but I'm trusting you to not make a mess okay ?"

Tennessee smiled , nodding to her order .
"Okay ."

"Alright . I won't be long ." Sophie waves goodbye as she slid down the banister of the stairs . The girl had practiced doing that for years , she would never fall off . Sophie quickly glanced at the boy at the top of the stairs before exiting her house .

Her parents were out at work , whilst her sister was at school . Her parents managed to see past her white lie of being sick so she could stay and bond with Tenn . However , the red head couldn't help but feel guilty . Minerva looked horrible , maybe she should've stayed home instead ?

Sophie pushed her guilt away , her sister wanted to go to school so she couldn't force Minerva to stay home .
"Shit .. it's getting chilly ." She mumbled to herself , shoving her hands into her coat pocket . The few coins jingled around , clanking together everything the girl took a step . She scanned the empty streets , it was unusual to be this quiet in the morning .. Sophie kept moving in the direction towards the shops until she came across the alleyway . The alleyway that the group got so intrigued and hyped up about . The alleyway that was known to be owned by the weirdo with the baseball cap . Things had changed so quickly .

Sophie took a turn down into the alley , scrunching her nose at the sight of the bleeding paint spread across the wall . The hurtful words that Sophie herself had put there once . She wanted to wash the words off immediately, it hurt the girl to know that she was the one that put it there .
"She's nothing like I thought she was ." She mumbled to herself . Suddenly , she heard footsteps clamping down the street .

The teen quickly hid behind a metal bin before she could be seen . The red head peeped to at least have a glance at whom the person might've been .

"Wow this might be the first time I've seen you without a bottle in your hand." A jolly voice exclaimed , giggling slightly . Sophie recognised that voice , Clementine ? The red head panned her view over to the tall man she was speaking to , who the fuck is that ?
"So , how have you been ?" Clem asked , slinging her falling back pack over her shoulders .

"I'm all good now squirt , I'm guessing the same for you ?" The man's croaky voice replied , he patted the small girl's head . Clementine laughed , leaning back onto one of the walls of the alleyway .

"It's seems like years ago since I lived here ." Clem sighed , crossing her arms as she gazed at her old home .
"So .. how'd you get that job Abel ?"

The man laughed at her remark .
"I just turned up , answered a few questions and then I had the job ." Abel explained.
"I didn't think I would get it . But it's still just me and my ugly face on the streets. Hopefully I can start saving up ."

Clem smiled at the broken man in front of her . She was happy for him .
"That's good to hear ."

"I almost forgot ." Abel stuffed his hand into his back pocket , pulling out a card ? The man handed Clem the square card and showed his remaining teeth in a smile .
"Sorry that I'm late and it's not much but , happy birthday squirt ."

Clementine chuckled at the card , he had saved a few coins to buy her a birthday card . How sweet .
"Thank you Abel . You didn't have to do that ." The small teen gave the man a hug , clutching onto his card tightly .
"Oh shit ! I'm going to be late ! Thanks again , I'll see you around Abel ."

Abel watched as the teen quickly sprinted away from the alley .
"Your welcome ." He said to himself , strolling down the street and away from the alleyway .

Sophie jumped out from her hiding spot and raised an eyebrow at the scene she had just witnessed . She furrowed her eyebrows as a plan came to mind ... maybe, Just maybe .. she could throw Clem a surprise birthday party ?

Homeless -Clementine x Louis- [Highschool AU]Where stories live. Discover now