"Aurora." I snap, gritting my teeth and making everyone turn to me."Come here, NOW!!" I order, raising my voice s high as I can.

I watch as she swallows and makes her way over to me, nervously pushing her way through the crowd.

She looks anxious, her head bowed down as she marches toward me. I don't want her to be nervous, especially now that she's pregnant. I'd never lay a hand on her and she knows that.

She has no need to worry when I'm around. I'm here for her, I protect her. The thing with Aurora is that everybody left her, everybody failed her but I'm not going to do that.

She stands by me quietly as silence settles in the room. I look over to the waitress and she knows what's about to happen. She knows she crossed the line and she'll pay for it.

Turning my attention to Aurora, I gently grab her as she looks at me with confusion. Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her closer to me, taking her by surprise. I place my hand on the back of her head and push her into my chest. She places her small hands on my chest as I tighten my grip.

I look over to the fucking whore who had the nerve to raise her voice at someone who's not her rank. I watch her face pleading me, her eyes begging me to spare her.

I reach down to my belt and grab my gun, removing it from safety and aiming it towards her. She furiously shakes her head as I knit my eyebrows and grit down on my teeth.

Without any hesitation, I pull the trigger. Everyone around gasps as they watch her body fall on the floor.

I feel Aurora flinch against me. She tightly holds on to me as I reciprocate it, placing one hand on her back and the other one on the back of her head, with my gun still in my hand.

She squirms in my hold, attempting to look back at the lifeless body oozing blood on the floor. But that urges me to push the back of her head against my chest as she heavily breathes. I don't want her seeing any of this.

I put my gun back into my belt and place my hand on the back of her head, giving her hair a stroke. "Let this serve as a lesson to all of you. To anyone who doesn't value their life, touches her, raises their voice on her. To any man, any woman who talks to her in an innapropriate manner. To anyone who dares to even look at her in the wrong way, this is what'll happen to you." I growl in anger as they all watch for my next move. "Clean this up and get back to work." I order and they all huddle up around the body.

I look down and hear her sniffle. I let go of her and tightly grasp her hand as I pull her away from everyone.

Reaching the door to my office, I push the door open and pull her in with me before closing the door on us. I sit on the couch and curse under my breath.

"Are you okay?" I break the silence, finally looking up to face her. She's stood with a pout and tears rolling down her cheeks. She nods but I sigh and shake my head.

"Fuck, I'm sorry you had to see that. I didn't mean to do it in front of you" I apologize, pulling her closer and sitting her on my lap. "I haven't scared you, have I?" I ask, attempting to soften my voice with her, drying her wet cheeks with my thumb.

"It's okay." She mutters in a soft voice. "It's not." I shake my head. "I just...I can't cope if something happens to you again." I confess as I look at the floor. "I can't lose another baby, I can't. And I can't lose you." I tell her. I'd never say this to her on a regular day but I want her to know why I did what I did in front of her.

"You won't." She says, placing both of her hands on the sides of my face. "I'm okay. You don't have to worry about me." She says, trying to reassure me.

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