Season 1 Episode 1: Days Gone Bye

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( It was early in the morning in the zombie apocalypse, and Team Fireball is trying to get out of Atlanta.)

Hey guys?

Yeah Kaz?

How are we supposed to get out of Atlanta?

I don't know.

Guys, I have an idea.

What is it Poe?

There's a hospital over there, let's see if there's any weapons, food, and water.

Good idea, let's go Team Fireball.

( So Team Fireball made it to the hospital only to find dead people piled in trucks and piled up on the ground.)

Yeager, what happened here?

I don't know Kaz, let's just get inside before walkers show up.

Ok, let's get inside.

( So Team Fireball entered the hospital only to find all of the patients are dead.)

Kaz, everyone in the hospital has been shot by the military.

Yeah, I see that, this is not good.

Hey guys?

Yeah Torra?

There's a hospital bed in front of this door.



Ok, let's move this hospital bed out of the way and see if this door is unlocked.

( So Team Fireball moved the hospital bed and opened the door only to find a survivor.)

Yeager, who is this guy?

I don't know.

Wait, who are you guys?

I'm Yeager, and this is my crew.

Nice to meet you guys, my name is Rick and I'm a police officer.

Ok, nice to meet you Rick, so are you the only police officer?

No, I have a friend named Shane.

So, how did you end up in the hospital?

I got shot while I was pursuing some guys, then Shane put a hospital bed in front of my door so the military wouldn't get to me.

So, you were in a coma?

Yeah I was. And when I woke up I noticed that my friend Shane wasn't there, but before the zombie outbreak, he visited me in the hospital and brought me flowers.

That's nice of him, and the flowers have been here for a while.


So, Rick?


Do you have a family?

Yeah, I have a wife named Lori and a son named Carl.

Do you want our help to find them?

Sure, I could use the company.

Great, let's go.

( So Team Fireball along with Rick left the hospital only for Rick to realize that everyone that was in the hospital is dead.)

What happened out here?

I don't know Rick, we walked to the hospital hoping to find supplies.

Well, ok, let's get to my house and see if I can find Carl and Lori.

( So Team Fireball followed Rick to his house and on their way, they came across a walker who was cut in half.)

What is that?

Those are called walkers, Kaz explained.

So, these things are the undead?

Yeah, I heard about this before, but my parents never really talked about it.

Wait you had parents?

Yeah, way before we landed on Earth.

( After a while of walking, Team Fireball arrived at Rick's house only to find out that Carl and Lori aren't here.)

They're not here Rick, I'm sorry.

It's alright Kaz, they're alive, they have to be.

( After searching for Carl and Lori at Rick's house, they decided to look somewhere else when suddenly, Rick was hit by a kid with a shovel and a guy asked what kind of wound.)

Hi, my name is Kaz, and this is Poe, Torra, Synara, Tam, BB-8, CB-23, Neeku, Yeager, and Captain Doza.

Nice to meet you guys, my name is Morgan and this is my son Duane.

( After meeting Morgan, they agreed to let Team Fireball and Rick to stay for the night.)

Hey Morgan, is Duane ok?

No, I lost my wife to this zombie apocalypse.

What was her name?

Her name was Jenny, and she died in that room right there.

I'm sorry for your loss.

Thanks, that means a lot.

( The next morning, Team Fireball, Rick, Morgan and his son Duane gathered some supplies and parted ways hoping to see each other again.)

Hey Kaz?

Yeah Morgan?

Good luck out there.

Thanks Morgan, I can say the same.

( After saying goodbye to Morgan and his son Duane, Team Fireball and Rick headed into the city only to get swarmed by walkers.)

Yeager, there's too many walkers.

I see that, how are we going to get out of this situation?

I don't know but, has anyone seen Rick?

He climbed into that tank after his horse got attacked by walkers.

( When all hope seemed lost, Team Fireball heard some guy talking over the radio inside the tank, and they knew that they weren't the only ones alive.)

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