Does Love Exist?

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Y/n's POV

Rin looked up into the clear sky and thought,

'Despite everything that had happened in my life, every heartbreak and every tear that fell, I couldn't let go of him. Was this what they called love? So does love exist?'

"Mommy! Dad and Teru aren't letting me play volleyball with them!" a voice cried pulling me away out of writing my book. I turned around to see my six-year-old daughter Yashi standing at the door. I sighed closing up the notebook I was writing in.

"And why not?" I ask crouching down to her level.

"They said I was too small and that I would get hurt! And Teru told me that I was a girl so I couldn't play!" She explained as I raised a brow. We made our way into the backyard to see Tooru and my ten-year-old son playing. I leaned against the doorframe crossing my arms.

"So a little birdie told me that you guys weren't letting her play," I say and they turn to me.

"Come on Y/n, she might get hurt," Tooru replies.

"Yeah, mom! Besides, girls are weak anyway!" Teru huffs and that's when the two boys realized they had just made a big mistake. A shadow fell over my face and I smiled evilly.

"Weak, you say?" The two boys shivered in fright as I made my way towards them. "You wanna test that theory? Let's play two on two. Me and Yashi versus you two boys." Yashi looked a bit nervous but I gave her a pat on the head.

"You'll do fine sweetie. We'll show them who's boss," I tell her and she nods with determination. We start the match but I gave Tooru the look as to not go all out which I expected him not to do. During the match, I guided Yashi through everything and she did better than I expected her to. It was finally the fight for the last point but Teru served it over the fence and into the neighbor's window. It didn't smash it but just made a loud bang.

"Isn't that..."


"We are so dead..."

"Nope, you two boys are dead," I tell them as I pick up Yashi and hide in the house. A dark aura emerged and there stood, Hajime.

"Who threw the ball at the window?" He asked.

"It was an accident Iwa-chan, I swear! It was Teru!" Tooru replies throwing his own son under the bus. He never learns, does he? But knowing Hajime, he usually takes it out on Tooru. So that's what he did. He spiked the ball back in Tooru's face. Following that, my best friend comes out and shakes her head.

"Sorry about that. You woke him up from his beauty sleep," she jokes walking out with her two twins Hoshi and Rika. We invite them into our backyard to let the four kids play walking out with her two twins Hoshi and Rika. We invite them into our backyard to let the four kids play while we chat and watch them.

"They're growing up so fast," B/f/n says smiling. I nod my head in agreement until I see the two grown men doing their usual thing, Hajime yelling at Tooru again.

"I know. I feel like those two really haven't grown at all though," I add to which she laughs. It's been thirteen years since we had graduated and we were all living our best life. Tooru and Hajime were still playing volleyball and had become professional players and me and B/f/n couldn't be more proud of them. The two of us usually worked from home. B/f/n became a voice actor and obviously voiced for many animes. I would usually go over to her house to watch her voice act because it was always very interesting. And me? Well, I became a writer and published a few books which lots of people seemed to love.

A few hours went by and it was starting to get late. The kids were all exhausted from playing so we decided to call it a day. B/f/n and Hajime went back to their house and we went into ours. I got the kids into bed and they were out before Tooru could even say goodnight.

"Awww they didn't even say goodnight to me," he whined making me laugh a bit. I closed the door to their bedroom and me and Tooru got ready for bed as well. I was the last one in as Tooru was already in bed waiting for me like always. He held his arms out signalling for me to cuddle with him which I happily accepted. Being in his arms made feel so safe and warm I couldn't help but smile. We kept quite for a minute just enjoying each other's presence until he decided to speak.

"Time really has flew by huh?" He asks. I only responded with a hum, too lazy to answer. I thought back about all the memories we made and our journey to where we are now. I was happy and I wouldn't want my life any other way. I move my head to look in Oikawa's eyes and he did the same.

"I love you," I whisper loud enough for him to hear.

"I love you more," he replies and I huff.

"Oh come on. Just end that sentence with 'too' because we both know I love you the most," I argue.

"No I love you the most and that's that," he states and I just sigh in defeat.

"Fine, you win," I say. He places his lips on mine and I kiss back. All I could feel was love and I just knew that whatever was going to happen in the future, I knew I would get through it with Tooru. Because like they always say, love conquers all.

And to answer the question, Does Love Exist,

Yes, yes it does.

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