Broken Friendships

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Y/n's POV

I walk into homeroom to my desk but see that it had writing all over. And it wasn't anything good. I heard some snickers and whispers and I sighed. I was expecting something like this to happen. I was a target at school now. Rumor spread quickly. Everyone found out how I used Hajime, B/f/n and Oikawa. I was getting lots of negative comments and I started getting pushed around a lot. And things like vandalizing my desk and locker. To be honest, I was used to it. I was bullied a lot like this in elementary and a little bit of middle school. I'd hoped that it would stop but I guess not. As I was erasing the pencil marks on my desk, I heard a very annoying voice that pissed me off.

"Hey everybody! We have an announcement to make!" 


"Oikawa and I are dating!" She exclaims. My eyes widen and I look up to see Oikawa and Takemaera holding hands, both looking extremely happy.


Everyone clapped as Takemaera and Oikawa embraced each other, Oikawa giving her a peck on the lips.

This can't be happening.

Oikawa then turned and his eyes locked with mine. I quickly looked away and went back to erase the marks off my desk. 

"Hey Y/n."

Please don't talk to me.

He starts walking towards me.

Please just go away.

I kept my eyes on my desk as I could feel him coming towards me.

I'm begging you.

He then placed his hand on my desk as I tried my best not to flinch.

"What do you think of me and Takemaera? I just want to know your honest opinion. Unless you want to lie to my face again," he says. I looked up at him and saw a face I had never seen before. It scared me. He seemed irritated and almost sadistic. Just keep the act up Y/n...

"Do you really think I care? I'm surprised you want my opinion of all people. What are you even trying to prove? Wait- You're not trying to make me jealous, are you? Do you still think I actually like you? Well, if that's what you're trying to do, stop. You look stupid doing it," I respond. I look into his eyes and I thought I saw a glint of sadness but it disappeared quickly. I really hate myself. How long do I have to go through this torture?

Takemaera then grabbed Oikawa's arms and leaned against him.

"C'mon Tooru. It's no use trying to get revenge on her right now. I know you'll think of something later on," she whispered, but only loud enough for the three of us to hear. He glared at me and walked away with Takemaera, laughing and smiling whenever he was around her. I let out a breath of relief. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up. 

Oikawa. I really wish I could see your real smile again. I'm so sorry.

During the morning, I would see B/f/n a lot but she would just look away and scurry off. It pained me to see the sad expression on her face. It hurt me even more that I was the one who caused it.

B/f/n. I wish I could hug you to death and have fun with you. I'm sorry bestie.

I also saw Hajime too but he completely ignored me. As if I never existed.

Hajime. I wish I could just hear you say your wise words again. I'm sorry.

I can't help but apologize to them a million times in my head.  

Practice was starting and I was still the manager. I didn't feel like quitting just yet. I wanted to somehow still stay connected with volleyball. I couldn't let it go. The worst thing was, Takemaera was allowed to stay and watch. The rest of the boys didn't talk to me much either. They knew about what happened and I was guessing they were siding with Oikawa, They're closer to him and trust him way more. My uncle kind of knows the situation. I didn't tell him all the details though like who forced me to do it, or what I said to them. He supports me and trusts me though which I'm grateful for. 

While the boys practiced, Takemaera cheered for them while she also talked with B/f/n. I watched the boys though and made notes on what they should work on and what they did well. My uncle then yelled at them to take a break.

"Uncle Irihata, do you mind reading the notes I made for them? My throat kind of hurts right now," I lie.

"I don't mind," he replies as he calls the boys over and reads over everything I wrote. "You have five more minutes before going back to practice," he told them. He goes back to sit beside me but I just stared at the cart of volleyballs. My uncle seemed to read my mind.

"You can go hit some serves if you want to," he tells me.

"I don't think I really should," I say. I really didn't want to be judged for it or made fun of.

"Y/n. Just go. Who cares what the others will think. If you want my opinion you should show them what you got because I think you have the most potential out of everyone here. And I've seen you practicing alone. You've really improved, " he says. Hearing that from him made me feel better.

"Thanks, uncle. That helped a lot. I think I will do some serves," I say as smile at him. I get up and grab three unopened plastic water bottles and places them in different places on the court. I go to the other side of the court and pick up a volleyball. Three serves are good enough for me. I could feel their eyes on me but I didn't care right now. I take a few steps back from the serving line and take a few seconds to think about what angles I need to hit from and all that stuff. I take a deep breath as I throw the ball into the air. I run and jump, pulling my arm back and hitting the ball just the way I wanted it. It hits one of the water bottles and I felt a little freer than before. I did the same thing and hit the last two water bottles, three in a row. The stinging on my hand from the volleyball brought me back. I felt free. Like nothing could ever stop me. But then, the negative thoughts came rushing into my mind again. There was one main thing that stopped me from being free.

The broken friendships I now had.

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