The Truth Comes Out

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Third Person POV

Irihata's eyes widened at the news and quickly packed up to leave.

"Coach, what's the matter?" Iwaizumi asked concerned. Everyone watched their coach as he was in a hurry.

"It's a family issue," he replied.

"It's that bad?" Oikawa asked. Everyone knew family issues were more important to deal with but they didn't think it was that bad.

"I'm sorry to leave you guys like this," Irihata apologized.

"It's alright coach. We can handle things from here," Iwaizumi assured his. Irihata nodded. He trusted his team and knew that they wouldn't cause any trouble. With that, he left. The timeout was over and both teams got on the court. Oikawa and his team noticed that Karasuno seemed more down. They had also noticed that Kageyama was gone. The aura in the court was somewhat uncomfortable not just for Karasuno but for Aoba Johsai as well. What happened.

"Where's your other setter? Are you guys sad that he backed out?" Oikawa remarked and smirked trying to get something out of them. Hinata, who was on the opposite side of him hung is head down not wanting to talk.

"He went to go see Y/n. She got into a car accident," Sugawara simply said with a sad look. Sugawara didn't know why he told Oikawa but he felt that he was someone who needed to know. Oikawa's smirk fell and his eyes grew wide. Oikawa wasn't the only one who had heard. Everyone on the court heard, as well as Iwaizumi who was in shock. So that was why their coach had left in such a rush. They wanted to say more but they didn't know what to say. The match went on but it just went downhill for both teams. Nobody knew that one girl could have such an effect on so many people. No one could play at their best. The coaches(except Irihata obviously) and managers knew the situation and also felt the tension, stress, and sadness throughout the game.

The game ended with Aoba Johsai winning again but they all felt like they lost. Takemaera could also feel their sadness but ignored it as she only cared about Oikawa. She approached Oikawa and gave him a hug but he only pushed her away.

"Please, just leave me alone," he told her but she just ignored him.

"What's wrong? You won didn't you?" she asked.

"It's not about winning!" he raised his voice getting more upset.

"C'mon Tooru, everything will be fine," she said clinging onto him. For some reason, hearing Takemaera say his first name made him angry. He pushed her away once more.

"Stop! Just leave me alone!" he shouted. She looked at him with disbelief and started getting irritated.

"Why do you care about her so much?! What does she have that I don't?!" she yelled getting mad. Now everyone was starting to direct their attention towards them.


"She betrayed you and I was there for you! She chose her stupid dad over you, Iwaizumi and b/f/n! After making her do all those things to you! Why won't you love me!!" she ranted. Oikawa's eyes widened and rage started to fill up inside of him.

"What did you just say?" Takemaera's eyes widened in realization.

"Wait-That's not what I meant! I was just mad and said random things that don't mean anything!" she exclaimed trying to correct herself.

"You-" Before Oikawa could do anything to the girl Iwaizumi and Kindaichi held him back. Oikawa was full of rage at this point.

"Let go of me!!!" Oikawa shouted trying to break out of their grasp.

"Oikawa, stop! Let's hear her out!" Iwaizumi shouted trying to calm Oikawa down. Iwaizumi was indeed upset with the girl but he knew violence wasn't the way to deal with this situation. Takemaera watched as the two boys held Oikawa back. This was her chance to escape but when she turned around Hanamaki and Matsukawa were blocking her path.

"You're not going anywhere," Matsukawa said with a frown. Takemaera scoffed and stayed where she was knowing that she couldn't get away. Karasuno had witnessed the entire scene and were upset with the girl even though they didn't know who she was. Iwaizumi looked over at them and made eye contact with Sugawara. Iwaizumi nodded and Sugawara got the sign that they had everything under control.

"C'mon guys, let's get going. They have this under control," Sugawara said pushing the toward the bus

Oikawa had cooled down and they were now all gathered around to listen to Takemaera's explanation. Iwaizumi and Kindaichi stayed at Oikawa's sides in case he were to try something again.

"So it all started when Y/n was bullyi-"

"The truth," Iwaizumi demanded. Takemaera gave him a nasty look and crossed her arms as she came out with the truth. When she had finished, all the boys were very much angry at her. B/f/n huffed as she cracked her knuckles. She was ready to beat her up good. She stood up but Iwaizumi sat her back down and gave her the look. She huffed and continued to glare at her.

"I hope you know we're going to have to report you to the principal," Iwaizumi told her. Her eyes widened.

"Wait, no, please! I'll give you anything! I'm rich so name how much you want!" she said desperately. Everyone looked at her with disgust and disbelief.

"We're not interested in money. You hurt us and most importantly, Y/n. You're not getting out of this, simple as that," Iwaizumi said.

Everyone had gone home and they were all pretty much exhausted from everything that had happened. But they couldn't help but worry about Y/n. They didn't know what would happen from there but they had hope that she was going to be okay.

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