Anime Convention

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Y/n's POV

"You guys look like you're in a good mood," Oikawa pointed out at me and B/f/n.

"Yup." Was all we could say.

"Oikawa, you really shouldn't ask the-" Hajime tried to warn him but it was too late.

"So what's happening?" Oikawa asked. Me and B/f/n just got even more excited.

"The anime convention starts tomorrow!!!" We exclaimed in unison. (who wishes their anime con wasn't cancelled because of the virus?😔)

"That's it? Bori-"

"It's going on for three whole days and we're planning to go for the whole weekend!" B/f/n started.

"We have saved up for this for a long time and we are going to spend all our savings on anime stuff!" I added.

"Yeah we already bought our tickets online for a three day pass!"

"And we're going to go to all the cosplay panels!"

"And meet some of our favourite voice actors!"

"We're going to go there in cosplays of course!"

"And we have a cosplay for each day!"

"And they are all homemade! Except the wigs."

"And then we're going to join the cosplay contest!"

"And win!!"


Oikawa stared at us completely confused and overwhelmed with our outburst while Hajime stood there in disappointment.

"That's not the worst part though," Hajime sighed shaking his head.

"What do you mean?" Oikawa asked kind of worried.

"We have to go with them."





Third Person POV

"I can't believe we're here," Oikawa groaned. He spotted many people and cosplayers in the crowd and he wasn't at all impressed. "Why do we have to be here again?"

"B/f/n's mom told me that whenever B/f/n and Y/n go to conventions, they always get too hyper and something bad happens. So she wanted us to watch them and make sure they don't actually spend all their money too," Iwaizumi explained.



"You said we were supposed to be watching them but... I don't know how we can do that when they're not here anymore."

"What do you... WHERE THE HELL DID THEY GO??"

Y/n's POV

"Can I buy those keychains please? Yes, five of them. Can I also get those two posters?"

"Y/n!!! Look at that cosplay!!!" B/f/n fangirled. It was a cosplay of one of her favourite

"Woowww!!! So cool!! Wait, B/f/n, we need to go to the fav/anime cosplay meetup!" I say and we make our way to the meetup. We then spot the cosplayers of the meetup and there were so many people with the same cosplay as us.

"Wow. Theirs are way more better than ours!"

"I know right! Let's got talk to them and make friends!" B/f/n says and we do just that.

Third Person POV

"How could we have lost them already?!" Iwaizumi groaned walking at a quick pace trying to find the two girls. "Do you remember what they were wearing?"

"No-Wait. Isn't that them?" Oikawa asked pointing at two other girls who had similar cosplays to Y/n and B/f/n.

"It's not them. They're not holding the same things Y/n and B/f/n were. Maybe we could ask them if they know where they could be," Iwaizumi suggested.

"Excuse me. We're looking for our friends. They had similar cosplays like yours and I was hoping you'd know where we could find them."

The two cosplayers smiled and gladly offered some places to where the two girls had gone.

"I think there's a cosplay meet up right now for fav/anime. If they had similar cosplays to ours I bet that's where they are," one of the girls had said. The two boys thanked them and made their way to their destination. They didn't think anything through though when all they saw were a crowd of. people with the exact same cosplays. All of them still somewhat different in their own way but all too similar. How were they suppose to find Y/n and B/f/n?

Oikawa and Iwaizumi has searched everywhere for the two irresponsible girls but they were nowhere to be found. So they decided to take a break in a cafe, a maid cafe.

"This is impossible!" Oikawa complained leaning back into the chair.

"Where could they be? We searched everywhere and we still couldn't find them. Maybe we should just yell and see if they hear us and respond," Iwaizumi said deep in thought.

"Yeah right. It's not like they would be right behind us or anything," Oikawa remarked but then they heard an all too familiar laugh and voice.

"I can't believe you would actually say that!" The voice exclaimed. The two boys got up from their chairs and went to the booth beside them and there they were. Y/n and B/f/n were just sitting there, with two other people while the two boys had to run around the whole area looking for them.

Y/n's POV

"Oh hey guys! It's been a while. Where've you been?" I asked happily even though I could tell they were upset.

"Yeah, it's not like we were searching for you for at least an hour while you were just chatting away with random people," Oikawa huffed.

"You could've just called us," I told them which made them angrier.

"Check your phone," Hajime said and I did.

"Five miss calls from Hajime and fifty-three from Oikawa..." I trailed off. "If you called a few more times I would've answered." They just glared at me.

"And you," Hajime said towards his dear girlfriend, "Before we came here you said you were going to be responsible and not cause trouble."

"But I'm not, see? I'm sitting here like a normal human being and chatting with normal people and eating normal food and being responsible," B/f/n defends herself.

"Who are they guys anyway? I thought we were your only guy friends?" Oikawa whined. The two other cosplayers snickers while me and
B/f/n turn to each other smiling.

"Those are actually girls," I tell Oikawa.


Hi guys! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! I just wanted to see what you guys thought of the the previous chapter Festival. I wasn't sure if you guys wanted Oikawa to hear what Y/n said or not. I was planning on Oikawa not hearing it but after some thought, I also wrote a chapter where he did hear it. I don't know. I'll leave it up to you. Just let me know in the comments! Lmao I also spent 11pm to 3am writing some chapters without realizing how late it was😅. Anyway see you guys in the next chapter!


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