The Match Against The Crows

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Y/n's POV

The boys have been working hard for the practice match today. It is just a practice match but we don't know how strong they are. Even though you should be confident, you should never underestimate an opponent. That's something everyone should know. Anyways, the boys were warming up as we waited for Karasuno's team to get there. When they finally did, they looked like quite a unique team. As my eyes landed on a certain person I couldn't help but jump up in excitement.

"Tobio!" I ran up to him to give him a hug making him almost fall to the ground. His eyes widened and he relaxed when he noticed it was me.

"Y/n? What are you doing here?" He asks me. The rest of his team stared at us confused and shocked.

"Well, I'm the manager of the Aoba Johsai's Boy's Volleyball Team! It's been so long since I've seen you!" I beam.

"Yeah, you got a bit taller the last time I saw you," He says giving me a little smile.

"Who's this Kageyama?" A shortie with orange hair asks while pointing at me. Tobio looked at him with annoyance then back to me.

"Well this is Y/n, my cousin," He replies. I wave at him and the rest of their team.

"Hey. I'm L/n Y/n. I'm a third-year and Tobio's favorite cousin! Isn't that right Tobio?" I ask and he slightly and hesitantly nods. I've probably embarrassed him. But do I care? Nope.

"So the manager of Seijoh's volleyball team huh?" A guy with grey hair asks with a smile. He looks like a nice person.


"Well you better get ready because we're gonna win!" The orange hair guy announced. I smirked and crossed my arms.

"Really? Well I'll hold you to it. But remember that you're going against one of the most powerful powerhouses right? We won't be beat that easily. But you guys seem like an interesting bunch so I think this practice match will be fun. Good luck then!" I say before walking back to my team.

"Tobio is here I see." My uncle says. I nod. "He does look all grown up now."

"Yeah. Karasuno does look like an interesting team though," I comment.

"We'll see soon enough."

Both teams had finished warming up and the match was about to begin. They all lined up and the orange headed who was number five looked really nervous. Talk about winning.  When he went to the middle blocker position I was a bit surprised. Tall people usually are the middle blockers. I though number five would be their libero. Matsu served first and Karasuno's number one was going to receive it but their number five butted in and received it instead. Tobio yelled at him and some other guy saved it. But when number two tried to spike it, our blockers blocked it easily. Guess they aren't as good as I thought they were. Number five kept messing up and I honestly felt bad for the guy.

We were now at twenty-four to thirteen. Karasuno was serving and the one serving was little number five. He still looked like a nervous wreck. When the referee blew the whistle, he freaked out and hit the ball. But it didn't make it over the net, no,no. It actually hit Tobio in the back of the head and the whole gym went silent. The referee blew the whistle and we won the first set. The boys came to take a break and I just watched Tobio's face darken and glare at the orange headed boy. Also, yes, I do know of my little cousin's anger issues and horrible social skills. The blonde guy and number two just laughed at him. But he just turned to number 5 and number five looked dead. Tobio started walking towards him and he took a few steps back in fear. The dark haired setter came right in front of the orange haired boy and started saying things that I couldn't hear. He than started slapping the back of his head the pointed to the court and yelled,

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