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Y/n's POV

I hadn't been to school in three days. I don't feel like going back. I just want to stay here with my mom. I just sit in the room with my mom's shrine all day. I had already told my uncle I was going to stay with Tobio which was a complete lie. I just didn't want anyone else worrying about me. Three people were enough. B/f/n, Hajime, and... Oikawa. I never knew Oikawa would care so much. On top of that, protect me from getting hurt. At the same time, he was the one who got me in that situation. I don't how to feel about him anymore. When it comes to him, my feeling are all jumbled up and confused. Should I hate him or be glad he saved me? Maybe both? I don't know. But I felt more at peace just being with my mom and talking with her. But that peace was interrupted by my phone ringing. I had thought that it was B/f/n or Hajime since they were calling me non-stop. And Oikawa doesn't have my number. So I was surprised to have my dad call me. I picked it up and answered.


"Y/n. How are you doing?" He asks.

"Hi dad. I'm fine. Why do you ask?" 

"Well you left your location thing on so I see that you're back at the house," He replies. I quickly check my phone and see that I left my location on and I mentally slapped myself.

"So what's really going on?" He asks. I thought of what I could tell him. I obviously didn't want to say that a girl at school almost killed me and that my life was going horrible.

"I just... I just miss her dad. I miss mom," I lie. Well not completely. It was half true but that wasn't really the main reason I was here.

"I know you do. I do too. But you know she's always with us," he says.

"Yeah. Thanks, dad. Anyway, I'll be going back to Uncle Irihata's soon so I'll talk to you again soon."

"Alright then. When we talk again, I want to know what's really going on if you're ready." With that, he hangs up and I just sit there speechless. Am I that obvious?  I sigh and put my phone back in my pocket. 

"Hey again mom. I hope you're doing so much better up there, watching over us. I wish I could stay with you longer but I need to go. I promise I'll stay strong and make you proud. I'll visit you again soon. Well, bye then."

After I got off the bus I felt something wet and cold falling on me. I looked up and it was starting to snow. I guess winter is coming early this year. It was nice walking while it snowed. I didn't have the proper clothes for the weather but that didn't matter. It felt nice. When I got back to my uncle's house he greeted me and I acted like everything was okay. I went into my room and flopped on my bed. It was so comfy and warm. This is what I need right now, sleep. Maybe a hot shower too.

One Week Later

I looked outside and saw that it was still snowing. There were piles of snow and I was in a really energetic mood. So I put thick leggings and a really fluffy and thick jacket. I grabbed my hats and gloves and made my way outside. The sound my boots made when I walked on the snow satisfying. I was enjoying my time when I heard voices from a distance. I looked in the direction they were coming from and I realized it was my three friends. I figured they were coming to see how I was doing since it's been a week or more since they've seen me. The last time they saw me was that incident. Oh I forgot to mention, we started winter break last week. As they walked my way, I hid behind a large pile of snow.

"Do you think she'll want to come out?" I'm already out.

"I mean, she should be fine by now right?" Well kind of.

"I don't know. She did almost die. I don't know if she could recover from that." Well...

"Well knowing her, she recovers quickly." You're not wrong.

"Then she's pretty much like Oikawa. Kind of. He recovers from physical injuries quickly. She recovers from emotional damage quickly." We are not alike.

"But it is my fault that it happened. She'll probably never forgive me." It was partially your fault.

"That's not Y/n though. She's pretty forgiving most of the time. Though she still might blame you, she would blame herself for it too." Why do you have to know me so well?

"But it was my fault!" At least you're sorry... I might forgive you.

"Well that's just Y/n. She blames herself for things even when it was someone else." I hate how you know me so well. You guys are still the best.

Their conversation made me a little uncomfortable but I didn't care that much. By now, they were on our sidewalk to the front door. So I did the only logical thing that I could do. I mean, there's snow. Why not put it to good use. I grabbed a pile of snow and made a few snowballs out of them. By the time I finished, I had fifteen. I was glad that they were still talking and not knocking on the door yet. I got two snowballs and threw it at Hajime and B/f/n. I quickly got the biggest one I had and threw it at Oikawa. 


"What was that?"

"Who threw that?!" 

By the time they looked around I was already hidden again. They were looking around trying to find the person who threw the snowballs but they couldn't find me. This was fun! As soon as they had their backs to me I aimed at them again but this time, I didn't go back in hiding. When they turned to me they were surprised that I was outside and that I was okay. I took a snowball in my hand and winked at them while sticking my tongue out.

"Whatcha waitin' for! You don't want to be wiped by me do you?" I mocked.  It took them a second to finally process what was going on. I would rather do this than talk about touchy subjects. They started making their own snowballs and started attacking me. Ok, I know I was the one who first declared war but three against one isn't fair. But I did have a better base to hide in so I guess that's an advantage. As I went up to attack, I only saw Hajime and B/f/n. Oikawa had disappeared. Before I could move to look for him I got hit on the side with a snowball. I saw Oikawa there and I wanted revenge. He was so gonna get it. You do not mess with me.

I swiftly ran towards Oikawa and tackled him to the ground. He was lucky that the snow made a less painful fall. I got up and rejoiced proudly.

"Ha! Gotcha!" I exclaimed. But I had forgotten about Hajime and B/f/n so they came right behind me and launched their snowballs at me. I shielded myself and screamed as a whole bunch of snow came at me. Everyone was then silent and we all just stared at each other. I stared at Hajime, then at Oikawa, then at B/f/n, then back at Hajime again. We all suddenly burst out laughing and fall in the snow.

"That was so much fun!" I beamed. B/f/n giggled and started creating a snow angel.


"This was not what I was expecting when we were going to see you," Hajime says. Oikawa nodded and turned to me.

"What were you doing out anyway?" He asks.

"I just came out for some fresh air until I heard and saw you guys coming. So I figured it would be fun to put the snow to good use," I reply trying to catch snowflakes on my tongue. 

"Did you hear anything?" B/f/n asks hesitantly. Well, yeah. I technically heard everything. But I wasn't going to say that in front of them. 

"Hear what?" I ask acting clueless. Man, I'm getting good at lying.

"Nevermind, it's nothing to worry about," Hajime assures me. I nod. I wanted to get them to leave so there was less chance of bringing up that topic. But I didn't want to do it in a rude way.

"So, do you want to go with us for some hot chocolate at the cafe?" B/f/n asks happily. 

"Sure." I instantly slapped myself in the head mentally. What was that about getting them to leave? Welp. Guess I was going with them. I was too lazy to try to think of an idea to get out of this anyway. Hot chocolate does sound good.

"Great let's go!" Oikawa exclaims. He's still annoying as ever. But at least we're all hanging out and it's not tense as I thought it would be. Might as well just enjoy myself.

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