Practice Match Again

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I'd like to give a shoutout to @lazykawa          for giving me the idea for this chapter.  I'm open to suggestions so if anyone has any ideas I can add to this story please feel free to pm me. I'll try my best to incorporate them into my story but I can't guarantee all ideas will work but like I said, I'll try my best. Anyways, enjoy the chapter!

Y/n's POV

"Is it really okay for me to watch?" I ask unsure.

"Yeah coach said it was fine and the team's ok with it too," Tobio responds.

"I'm not even part of the actual club. Shouldn't I sit where everyone else is?" I ask again. I could tell he was starting to get irritated.

"You're one of the best players I know. You're basically training us. So stop asking questions and just come," Tobio says. I was taken back by what he said.

"You think I'm one of the best? You have touched my heart Tobio," I dramatically lean against him with a hand over my heart.

We got to the gym and the boys started to warm up. I went over to Kiyoko and Yachi and started to talk with them. I had realized that I forgot to ask Tobio who he was playing against so I decided to ask Kiyoko.

"So who are they playing against today?" I ask.

"Aoba Johsai."

I froze. Just my luck. The first game I watch them play is against the school I recently went to. And where my ex-friends are

"You were at that school before, right Y/n?" Kiyoko asks. I look at her and nod hesitantly.

This really might not end well. Knowing that the whole team had a grudge on me, if they know I'm there, they'll be extra hard on Karasuno. I should probably leave.  So I started making my way to the door.

"Sorry, I gotta-"

"Seijoh has arrived!" I heard the coach yell. I look towards the door and the person who walked in first was Oikawa. I was still near the door and when he turned, our eyes met and both widened. The whole team followed in and were surprised to see me. Hajime just ignored me, B/f/n was also there but she put her head down, and the queen of mean walked in like it was a fashion show. I just stood there not knowing what to do until I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"Y/n, the coach needs you. Come on," Kiyoko said as she pulled me along. I looked at her and she gave me a gentle smile. Once we were a good distance away from them I said,

"Coach doesn't really need me, does he?" Kiyoko shook her head. She noticed I was in shock and helped me?

"Thank you Kiyoko. You really helped me there," I say.

"That's what friends are for," she replies.


"Come on, let's go sit down," she says. I nod still uneasy about the practice match.

The match didn't start off too bad. Both teams were following close behind each other. Karasuno won the first set but things only got rougher from there. Oikawa and his team all had so much determination in their eyes. It was actually kind of scary. Of course, Karasuno did have determination as well, but it wasn't as horrifying as Seijoh. I noticed it was Oikawa's turn to serve and I could feel a disturbing aura from him. I could also feel hatred and so many other emotions coming from him. He never scared me more than now. I didn't even realize how worried and scared I looked. He directed his eyes towards me for a split second and I felt that negative radiation from him slightly disappear, still there though. He then went on to do his powerful serve which Karasuno still struggled to receive. I couldn't help but sit there frozen and in confusion. What just happened?

Third Person POV

The practice match ended with Aoba Johsai winning. Everyone was packing up and Oikawa looked over at Y/n. She was laughing along with some of the other members of Karasuno. B/f/n and Iwaizumi had noticed too. She looked so much happier. Though on the inside, Y/n's heart was breaking. She felt empty and uncomfortable but she managed to fake a smile and laugh. Even though they wanted to move on from her, they wished that she was still with them. They hated to admit it but they missed her and so did she.

"Come on guys! Let's get going," the coach called out to them and they all followed. So they all decided that the next time they saw her, they were going to talk things out with her. If there was a next time.

Hey guys! Hope you're all doing well. Sorry for not updating in a while. I've been very with online school but I'm on a break for a week so I can update more for now. I have also been binging on Bleach and just finished hahaha... I've been obsessed with Toshiro because he's so cute at times but then he's just so- you know what I mean Oikawa will always be number one but white-haired boys just hit different for me. I'm saying too much so Imma end this now. Before I do, I'd like to know what anime character hits different for you. I know this an Oikawa x reader but like, I'm curious. Anyway, I'll see you guys in the next chapter!


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