Moving Back

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Y/n's POV

My uncle placed the last box in his car and shut the door closed. 

"Are you sure you're not forgetting anything?" he asked. I shook my head. I took one more good look at the house and entered the car. How many times have I moved already? While my uncle drove back to his house, I remembered what had happened at the hospital.


"He's what?" I ask again not sure if I heard him correctly.

"Your dad is in a coma. We don't know when he'll wake up. It could be in a few weeks or even months," he told me. My eyes widened and my fists tightened. I looked down and I took a few deep breaths to calm me down.

"Can I see him?" I ask. He nodded.

"I'll go inform the nurses first."

I couldn't quite walk yet so my uncle had to push me in a wheelchair. We finally got to my dad's room and entered. I stared at his unconscious body and I reached for his hand. My uncle left me alone for a bit so I could have some private time with him.

"Don't leave me dad. Please wake up soon," I whispered.

Flashback end

It had been two weeks since then and I was able to leave a few days ago. Since I can't be living alone, I had to move back with my uncle. Even though Tobio was my cousin, I couldn't cause any more trouble for his family. So moving back in with my uncle was the best option. Besides, I could hang out with Hajime and B/f/n again and possibly Oikawa. It was sad to say goodbye to the boys at Karasuno but I promised to keep in touch with them.

We finally got to my uncle's house and I was going to help him take my stuff in and he shook his head. 

"I know, I know. I should go rest and not injure myself and because I can't carry anything," I said as I walked inside. I went up to my room and it was the same as when I felt it last time. I sat on my bed and realized I was going back to Aoba Johsai in a few days. I had a lot to catch up on. The next few days I was just busy unpacking and getting used to things again. Hajime and B/f/n came to help out and hang out a few times too. I enjoyed their company but there were many times where they would flirt and forget that I was there. I almost forgot that they were a couple.

The following Monday was when I decided to go back to school. I was never worried about going to school but this was a different situation. Like always, I really didn't like attracting attention so I used one of my textbooks to cover my face. There was no doubt that there were people that still hated me. I had already talked to all my teachers beforehand and they agreed to not to reintroduce myself since I had attended this school before anyway. I went to homeroom and no one had noticed me yet but I was so wrong.

"Isn't that Y/n?"

"Why is she back?"

"Can't she just disappear?"

They kept whispering and looking back at me until a dark aura filled the room. I noticed B/f/n behind me and she glared daggers at the girls. I wanted to tell her to stop but she was kind of scaring me too. Hajime noticed that and sighed.

"B/f/n I think you've done enough. You might scare Y/n off," he told her as he dragged her to her desk. I scanned the room for a certain person but I couldn't seem to find him. I don't know why I wanted to see him, I just did. I guess I just wanted to talk things out and not leave them unsettled. I shook my head. I guess that isn't too important right now. I just needed to catch up on a lot of school work.

I hadn't seen Oikawa at all today and Hajime and B/f/n found it odd as well. I could tell they knew something but I didn't say anything knowing that I wouldn't get anything out of them. I couldn't walk around school without having people watching me. I just tried my best to ignore them. Now that I think about it, I hadn't seen any of the other boys from the team either. Is everyone okay? Are they sick or something?

School finally ended and I was so happy to go home. I had enough people staring at me for one day. I just wanted to forget stuff and sleep. My dreams of going to sleep were crushed when Hajime stopped me by grabbing my arm.

"Oh Hajime? Did you need something?" I ask.

"Aren't you going to come to practice?" he asked me. I tilted my head in confusion.

"Why would I? I'm not the manager anymore? Besides I don't know if that's a good idea right now," I answer.

"Just come. The whole team wants you to," he begged. I was about to decline but sighed. He got the sign and walked me to the gym. So much for wanting to go sleep. When we got to the doors of the gym, Hajime stopped.

"I think you should go in first," he said. I narrowed my eyes at him suspiciously. Something's up. I gave in to whatever he was planning and entered the gym. It was pitch black until the lights came on and everyone yelled,

"Welcome back!!!"

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