Welcome Back Party

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Y/n's POV

I jumped in surprise as everyone came out of nowhere and yelling. There was a welcome back banner with my name and streamers. Was this for me? I grabbed Hajime arm and pushed him in front of me.

"This is probably for you," I tell him so I could hide my flushed face. For some reason, I couldn't help but be embarrassed. I never expected them to throw a welcome back party for me. I heard Hajime laugh and drag me in front of him.

"I don't see my name on that banner," he says, "Come on, everyone did this for you." I looked at him then at the others. I couldn't help but break out into a huge smile.

"Thanks everyone," I say as Hajime and I enter the gym. As soon as I did, two people came up to hug me almost knocking me down in the process. Maki and Matsu, of course.

"Hey guys," I say hugging them both, "It's been a while."

"Look we're so-" I cut them off.

"No, we're over that. It's all in the past so just forget about it," I assure them, "If I see anyone acting gloomy or trying to apologize in any way, I will not hesitate to kick you." They all nodded and laughed. Kindaichi and Kunimi approached me and I ruffled their hair.

"How are you first years doing?" I ask them. I missed the team a whole lot. They answered with all good things which made me happy.

"I have a question. I didn't see any of you all day. Were you getting all this set up?" I asked them. They nodded.

"Seriously, you guys didn't have to do all this," I told them feeling a bit bad. I then got a hit in the hit by B/f/n.

"I thought you said that no one should be gloomy," she said. Right, I forgot I said that. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the welcome back party more than me. Everything was going great but... I looked around for the captain of the team but he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

"Still looking for Oikawa?" I heard a familiar voice say. "He was the one who actually planned all this but he left before you got here," my uncle finished. Oikawa was the one who planned all this? I thanked my uncle and walked away to talk to some of the others until I saw Hajime talking to someone on his phone and he seemed a bit upset. I went closer to him. I couldn't make out what he was saying but I only heard him say, "You need to face her one day. Fine, but only because the both of you need it." He hung up and I got away without him noticing me. Who was he talking to?

During the party, I noticed the doors open and I didn't think much of it until I saw the person who came through them, Oikawa. I saw Hajime approach him and they talked for a bit and they seemed to be looking for someone. That's when they spotted me. I turned my head away from them and acted like I didn't see them. Just walk away and act natural. Wait- Didn't I want to talk to Oikawa in the first place?! Why am I walking away then? Do I want to talk to him or avoid him, make up your mind!!

The party ended and we had just finished cleaning up. Oikawa hadn't approached me the whole time and I was starting to feel uneasy. My uncle left earlier during the party because he had some things to deal with so I was walking home. Just as I was about to leave, someone grabbed my arm. I had expected it to be Hajime or b/f/n but to my surprise it wasn't.


"You're walking home right? Let me walk with you," he said looking down and I just nodded. The walk home was quiet, too quiet and awkward. It's been a while since I had walked with him alone. I decided to break the silence but he had the same idea.



"You can go first," I tell him. He stopped walking and so did I. He started to speak and I stepped in front of him so we were facing each other and not side to side.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have believed Takemaera or even dated her. I shouldn't have doubted you and I feel so guilty that you were going through so much. I didn't know how to face you knowing I hurt you a whole lot and-" I couldn't help but chuckle. "Why are you laughing? I'm trying to be serious here!" He pouts.

"No, it's just, I didn't think I would hear Oikawa Tooru apologizing and feeling guilty toward me. In all serious Oikawa, it's not your fault. We all hurt each other in a way but I realize now that...it was all Takemaera's fault!" I say confidently which Oikawa sweatdropped at.


"Nothing, it's just that, I thought you were going to go all sad and guilty and blame yourself instead. I didn't think you would be so bold to blame Takemaera," he answered.

"I always think it's better to lighten the mood than to make it all sad and gloomy, don't you think?" He chuckled and I started walking again.

"Let's just move on and make better memories, Oikawa."

Hi guys! I wrote this chapter at 2am so I know it sucks. But don't worry, the next chapter will be amazing! I would like to remind people to stay at home and do social distancing. I'm not pointing this towards you guys because I know you all are doing it and you all are great. But yesterday, my parents took me and my sister for a drive but we didn't get out of the car. On our way home, we saw these guys playing basketball on the basketball courts. And let me tell you, all the courts were taken and there were about 6 or 7 on each court. I live in Canada, Alberta and all parks and anywhere with sports-related activities are closed. So I'm upset that these highschoolers maybe older are not social distancing because to me that says that they don't care if they spread the virus. I'm sorry but basketball is not important at the moment. Sure, go ahead and take a walk or play in your driveway or backyard but just don't play with so many people. And today I'm celebrating my sisters birthday so I've been busy getting stuff ready. Anyway, thank you for listening to my rant, and please take care of yourselves. See ya! Question of the day- What have you been doing to entertain yourself during quarantine?


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