Got Tagged

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I got tagged by bokutodafloofowl

Don't really like getting tagged but hey, what better chance to get to know me than now.

1. My favourite anime of all time is Attack on Titan

2. I am the oldest sibling and have a sibling 3 years younger than me.

3. I love writing

4. I am great at math but suck in science

5. I love any kind of food

6. I have been watching anime for three years

7. I was born October 13, 2005 (I wanna find meh bday twin😭)

8. I procrastinate way too much

9. I am horrible with saving up money

10. I sort of lack common sense

11. I am Canadian and Filipino. (I can understand Tagalog-which is the Filipino language- but can't speak it. Please tell me I'm not the only one with that problem)

12. I have pet fishes. A gold fish, koi fish, and a beta fish

13. <———This number right here is my favourite and lucky number.

 <———This number right here is my favourite and lucky number

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Sorry for tagging you if I did. Those are the rules that I must follow. I just picked some of my friends and people who had interesting usernames😅. Honestly, if you don't do this, I don't really care. I'm not gonna give any punishments cuz I'm too lazy to even think of any. This was just a fun way for some people to get to know me.


Anyway, yeah. Have a great day or evening or night and for the people here for my story, a new chapter will be out soon, most likely by the end of this week, I promise. Until then, see ya!

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