Not So Bad

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Oikawa's POV

It had been a few days after finding out that Y/n could still play volleyball she hadn't been coming to school. Well, I don't think so. I mean I haven't seen her in school or in class. She wouldn't just miss class. I'm just hoping she's okay and has a reasonable explanation for this.

"Wonder where Y/n is..." I sigh.

"Maybe it's because we found out that she's still good at volleyball, and by the looks of it you know something we don't," Iwa-chan says.

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't," I reply.

"Well whatever it is, I'm not gonna force you to tell me or put pressure on Y/n to either. Sure I'm concerned but it's not for me to ask people something so personal," Iwa explains.  I stare at him and give him a big hug.

"Awww Iwa-chan!" I exclaim as he tries pushing me away.

"Get off of me Trashykawa!"

Y/n's POV

It had been a few days and I had been staying home because I had gotten sick. It sucked but I did have some time to think about some things. When I got to school I hid and blended in with the crowd, not wanting any of my friends to see me. As I was walking to my homeroom, I saw Oikawa hug Hajime. I laughed silently as Hajime hit Oikawa on the head. Oikawa strated to whine and as I was about to leave, they spotted me.


I ran into the crowd and hoped that they wouldn't catch up and luckily I lost them. After homeroom, I went to math class and me being my dumb self, forgot that Oikawa was in the same class as me. I went in without thinking and saw Oikawa sitting in his seat which was unfortunately next to mine. Hoping he wouldn't had seen me, I back up and put my textbook in front of my face. I got out of the classroom and sighed in relief. The bell rang and I was about to leave but...

"Hey Y/n! Been a while!" I knew that voice so I looked up and saw Matsu. Wait...... HE HAD THIS CLASS TOO!!! WHY AM I SO STUPID!!!

"Ummmm, hey! Matsu! How you doin'!" I greet him nervously and impatiently.

"Why aren't you in class? They already started," Matsu asks.

"Well... I was... going to... the nurses office! Yeah I really don't feel so good right now. Gotta go. Oh and don't tell anyone you saw me! Especially Oikawa," I say then run off.


I ran downstairs and stopped to catch my breath. That wasn't too bad. I think I can trust Matsu not to say anything. I was about to walk past the office until I saw a familiar dark headed guy. I quickly pressed my against the wall so he wouldn't see me.

"Ok thank you. I'll take these up to the science room right now," I heard Hajime say. I looked over and saw him carrying two boxes and my eyes as I realized he was coming my way. I panicked and put my textbook in front of my face again. I quickly walked passed him and bumped into his elbow a bit. He almost dropped the boxes but he carefully steadied them.

"Sorry," I say.

"It's fi- Wait... That voice sounds familiar. Y-" But as he turned around I had already disappeared.

Time Skip!

I had been avoiding all of my friends from the volleyball team all day and I was doing quite well at it. But it was getting tiring. But I wanted to surprise them with something which I hopefully wouldn't regret.  It was the end of the day and I now stood in front of the gym doors. I still don't know if this was the right thing for me to do, or what's ahead of me, but, I do know that I miss it. I realized that when I was them play. I took a deep breath and stepped inside which was followed by the door closing. The sound of squeaking and balls falling were all that could be heard. I stared at the boys who were practicing and warming up before walking over to my uncle. He looked over at me and smiled.

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