Side story -3) Mission of Shadow swamp

Comenzar desde el principio

"Huh ok. This will be very easy."

Hearing that, Ezria flicks Alucard's forehead.

"OW!! It hurt!! What was that for?!"

"Don't think the mission will be easy. Never judge a book by it's cover"

"Yeah yeah yeah, I will keep that in mind"

Ezria gave another flick to young demon hunter's forehead.

Ezria: "Say yes once."

"Yes Mam!" Alucard said as he quickly evades the room.

Alucard: "Damn! My head hurts like hell."


Shadow swamp, Outer area

To enter the Shadow swamp, one must travel down the tunnel from the Azrya woodlands. As Alucard walked down the tunnel, he was met by two dark eleves standing at either side of the tunnel. Without heeding them any attention, the young demon hunter tried to walk past them, but was stopped as one of them grabbed his shoulder.

Dark elf 1: "Oi, pay the toll."

Alucard: "Toll?"

Dark elf 2: "Looks like you're new here. If you want to pass, pay 28 diamonds."

He wanted to kill both of them at once, but stopped as the pain of the flick given by the captain still lingered on his forehead.

Alucard: I don't want to, but since captain gave me such a headache, better stay low.'

Unwillingly, the young demon hunter throwed the pouch filled with 28 diamond towards the second dark elf. After checking the correct amount of diamond, the second elf nodded, signalling the first elf to release Alucard's hands.

Alucard continued to walk down the tunnel, soon reaching the underground city. When Alucard reached Shadow swamp, he quickly understood why was it called by that name. Being an underground city, even in a bright day outside, this place is swallowed by pitch darkness. The only light here comes from lamps and torches.

Alucard: "So this is the 'Town of eternal night' huh."

This subterranean city was originally built as an evacuation site for citizens by an ancient kingdom named Amestris. However, it falled into ruin over time and eventually Dark elves made this palce as their home after splitting off the moon elves. Currently this city is a haven for smugglers, slavers and hired killers. In this lawless town, every kind of criminal act which can be thought of takes place. Still this city has frequent visitors due to being a popular pleasure district.

Alucard: 'Oh well, lets start collecting some info first'

Shadow swamp, Central district

After being wandering about half an hour, Alucard learns many things about Shadow swamp. The city has been divided into many districts, each district known for their unique activities like gambling, smuggling, brothels, etc.

The most surprising the fact he learned was that the current leader was his old acquaintance, the one whom he met few months go. Hence, right now, he was in central district, entering the Villa present at the northern most side.

Soon he is welcomed by the owner of the mansion, Cythas Darkarrow.

Cythas *deep raspy voice*: "So what brings you here, Beast Killer?"

Alucard *raspier voice*: "It's an important misson. But first, let me congratulate you on becoming Leader of the dark elves."

Cythas *deep raspy voice*: "It was my fate to rule. It was my destiny, so I was called. Since I was called, I was justified, and As I was justified, I was glorified."

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