Chapter 32

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I sneaked behind Tim through the vents. We have to be careful to not make any noise which was pretty hard with all the rats creeping.
"So, what's the plan?" I whispered as quiet as I could.
"We'll get to the laboratory room in the fifth area. I believe their armoury is there, so we will raid it before the others show up."
I was just gonna ask who else is coming but I got scared when we suddenly stopped.
I heard them clearly plotting beneath us.

"So, what are you planning to do when we catch her?"

"She won't be any problem to contain, my dear. She's not like the others"

"I suggest we at least knock her out and take away her gadgets, I don't like taking risks"

"What's the fun in that? I like it when they bite back!!"

I gasped before quietly hurrying after Tim who went ahead.
I couldn't find him anywhere.
"Red? Where are you?"
I whispered but it just echoed through the vents.
At last I saw a light from an open hatch.
It's a lab down there like he said, but no sight of him.
I crawled down carefully between the benches.
It's still dark but I didn't find any weapons  of any sort.
Suddenly it all brightens up and my eyes feels like they are being ripped out from my head.
I quickly throw away my glasses.
I couldn't see anything but brightness and footsteps walking towards where I stand.

Before I could make a move towards the figure I felt someone tackle me from my right.
The overwhelming smell of something against my mouth made me zone out before I realized it was chloroform.
I didn't stand a chance.

*time skip*

"Dad! Look, I got a cape from Jim! Just like a superhero!"
I ran over the grass with my older brother running after.
I couldn't believe he gave me all his stuff that I wasn't even allowed to look at since I was little.
My mom questioned, looking at my older brother.
"Well, duh. I'm too old for those anyway"
My dad gave him an approval nod.
"Thirteen years old already. You begin to look like me when I was around that age."

I got up and gave my brother the biggest hug I've ever given.
He didn't even mind it this time. Maybe that's a part of growing up?

"[y/n], why don't you take your things upstairs? The guests are here soon and we need to prepare the cake!"
Right! It's my 8th birthday after all.
"Okay mom! Look while I'm running! It blows in the wind!
I ran as fast as I could back to the house on the hill.
I feel free. Like I'm on the top of the world.
Sometimes, inside my mind, I didn't want it to end.
Then I stumbled

I woke up tied to a chair, laying on the floor.
My ribs where broken from the failures from someone trying to wake me up.
I look up to check the environment.
There's a lot of scary looking people in here, all eyes on me.
Harley smiled down on me, holding a metal bat against her shoulders.
The Joker, sitting on a chair with a riffle on his lap.
"R.. Red!" I weakly yelled out but every time I tried, my insides felt like it's going to explode.
"How tragic! Isn't it Harley? Yelling out for her boyfriend to come to her rescue!?" the Joker laughed out.
"Why don't we just give her what she wants then? Go fetch him, Riddle"
"Gladly" the green man responded with a frown.

"What have you done to him?" I coughed out in pain, blood slipping from my mouth.
"Nothing serious deary"
If he even touched a hair on his head, I will kill him. I don't care if it's the last thing I'll do, this is all because of me.
I'm the one who wanted to find the Joker and stop him.
I hear footsteps coming closer but I couldn't hear someone being hurt or being dragged on the floor..

I look up at the figure now standing in front of me.
I couldn't believe it at first but it all came clear to me when I met Tim's eyes, the colw was gone.
He had the same sinister smile I feared from my dreams with red paint dragged from ear to ear.

"Meet one of my early creations, Joker Junior" the clown laughed.. and so did the rest of them..

including Tim.

Beware Of The Demon //Damian Wayne x Reader  Where stories live. Discover now