Chapter 8

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Your pov

I don't really know what to wear today.. Dick and Damian is taking me out to shop for some new clothes and a school uniform since everything I owned became ashes.
I decided to take a skirt since I overused my jeans and a basic top. There, I look like everyone else now.
I hate this skirt though. It's uncomfortably short.

As I opened my door I saw that Damian was just about to knock. His eyes wandered all over me as he just stood there awkwardly.
"My eyes are up here, Wayne" I giggled.
"I know that" he replied, looking away fast with a red shadow over his face.
"Breakfast and uh.. yeah" he said while walking down before me.

I followed him with a tired Jason behind me. He broke a vase on the way to the kitchen. The same goddamn vase he broke the other day too.
"For fuck's sake.." he mumbled as he violently kicked the little table it was standing on.

Dick showed up from the corner. "Jason! pick that up and stop being a drunk ass idiot breaking my vase collection! Oh good morning [y/n]"
"Good morning, Dick" I answered while walking past him to the dining room.

I took a seat beside Tim and Damian. They both glared at each other from time to time. I wonder what's up with them two fighting, I thought while piling up my plate with pancakes.

Damian's pov

I can't really stand Tim's attitude towards me. He always seemed to despite me, not that I care. Cause I don't.
I'm just worried he's going to embarrass me or take her away from me. I threatened him before [y/n] went to bed. He know I can take him down if he ever try something reckless. Just because I'm Batman's son doesn't mean I have forgotten about my past.

I have dark thoughts sometimes and she's making it even harder to cover it up, and Tim knows it. This must be some sort of test. I glared around the room to see if he was setting up some traps.

"Dami, what are you doing?" [y/n] asked
"Nothing Beloved. Just inspecting the furniture" she looked sceptic but went back to her food. Tim had his eyes on her then he glared at me once again. That's it.
Just before I was about to reach my hidden katana, Father walked in.
"Damian, behave"
[y/n] looked really confused right now.
"Yes father" I replied while calming my nerves.

Your pov

Something seemed really off this morning. Tim was glaring a lot, Damian seemed pretty psycho. Jason and Dick seemed to be the most normal here and Jason is always drunk! It was so tense between everyone else though.
"Excause me, Mr. Wayne-"
"Call me Bruce, [y/n]. It's fine here"
"Well, Bruce... I don't want to sound rude but I've notic-"
I began but I stopped myself.

"I have to take a walk"

I stood up before leaving. Dick followed me out.
"Sorry, [y/n]. We're not always like this.. It's just that things came up with the family business and things can get really.. tense."

"You don't have to explain, Dick. I know."
"Y-you know? Who told you?"
"No one had to, it's too obvious"
"And you're cool with it? You're not scared"
"Neither! I'm just not comfortable by two brothers attracted to me"
"Oh- yeah. It's weird"
He looked kind of sweaty and nervous.. Just like.. Oh gosh!
"What? YOU TOO!?"
"NO! It's nothing like that!" He hurried.
"I just.. look. It's complicated. Give them time and don't rush." He had kindness in his eyes. "It'll be alright. I know you're nervous about your future now but Bruce is kind. He would never leave anyone behind whoever it is. You're safe here"

I felt relived talking to Dick. "Thank you"
He hugged me back "you know, this is what friends do. And also, thank you for looking out for my baby brother. He is a pain in the ass sometimes but, he can be alright. And he loves you."
My face was brighten up to those words "H-he does?"
Dick looked panicked again. "So he haven't said it?"
"No" I squealed
"Goddammit Damian"



Hellooo readers. I'm back from the dead, not temporarily I hope. I'm sorry I haven't updated this earlier but.. ehm. I'm lazy. I can't blame on anything else unfortunaly. 

Yeah sooo.. leave stuff if you liked it, I don't really know how to author properly.

//your evil space nerd

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