Chapter 1

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Your POV

It was a Saturday night in Gotham city. Rain poured down the window as I gazed down the streetlights from my bedroom.
I'm far from home but I don't think I can't be happy here too.

I moved here from [Y/P](your place) to study in Gotham Academy hoping for a fresh start and found this school online.
I was hoping this choice could save my boredom, and mostly my grades.

I was listening to my favourite song I found on my trip here.
It's cliche but I really like it. It reminds me of my childhood and how my life was before I became a grumpy ass.
(See above)

It was getting late and I have to buy some groceries tomorrow. I headed to my bedroom and kicked my clothes to a corner. it's so quiet here... I miss home.
I dreamed about my dad that night, we were always so close.

Time skip

The next day I walked down the streets of Gotham.
It was foggy and a bit cold outside but it hasn't rained yet. I really miss my bed now.
Suddenly I heard a distant shriek and a car was driving down the road to the bank.

It stopped across the street and I hid behind the wall in case I'd be seen. I often get nervous when I go outside alone. Crazy people on the road isn't exactly helping my issues.
The car stopped a 4 silluetts with guns stormed in to the bank.
Shit, I thought to myself.

I took a shortcut through an alley to avoid the scene, looking behind me as I walked fast forward.

The next second I heard a click.
I realized someone was pointing a gun at my head.
"Now, you do as i say and I won't blow your brains out"


Sorry, I know the intro was short but I will write longer in the future. This is just cause I failed saving the first time I wrote this.
Beware of slow updates xoxo

Beware Of The Demon //Damian Wayne x Reader  Where stories live. Discover now