Chapter 11

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your pov

I heard birds singing outside. I felt a soft breeze coming from the window and two arms was holding around my waist. the sheets smells just like Damian.. wait. I'm in his room. he always leaves the window open.. oh god.

I slowly opened my eyes, getting used to the sunlight. I felt soft breathings on my neck. I think he's still asleep.

I slowly turned around without waking him up. He looks so calm and vonurable.
I reached out to touch his face.

Damian's pov

I slammed my eyes open when I felt someone touch my cheek.
In pure instinct I pinned [y/n] to the bed, not realizing what I'm doing.
"[y/n]! im so sorry-" I began but instead felt her lips on mine.
"You're dangerous" she breathed out with a blush on her face.
my worried face turned into a smirk.
I kissed her passionately.

Then I heard a knock on the door.
"stay in nudes, I'll be back" I said before grabbing a robe and went to open.
It was Alfred.

"Good morning master Damian. Master Bruce wants to have a word with you."
I looked back at [y/n].
"Tell him I'm on my way" I said before closing the door.
I quickly got dressed before I sat beside her on the bed.
"I have to go. Father can be strict"
"Is he always like that?
"no, just to me. you see, I'm his only biological son. I'm taking over his enterprise someday."
She puts her hands on my cheek before pecking my lips. "I understand Damian. Just go downstairs.

I ran my fingers through her [h/l] hair before going.


Father sat in front of me with a serious look on his face.
"Damian Wayne Al Ghul! You didn't obey my order last night and went back early to be intimate with our guest. Do you think being a vigilante is just some sort of game?
I didn't dare to look up. it sounds dumb when the words are coming from him.
"No father.. I'm sorry"

Bruce sighed in frustration. "Damian, when we gave you that suit your goal was to help out. Getting a life partner can't stay in focus while Gotham needs protection.

I looked up at him. "You are taking women here all the time and you blame me for being irresponsible? what's the difference?"
"The difference is that you skipped mission because you are too committed to her."
I couldn't believe him. Is he really telling me to stop making love to my girlfriend?
"Father, I love her-"
"Enough Damian! I forbid you to sleep in the same room."
I looked up at him, refusing to show how hurt I am "You can't do that!"
"Yes I can. You're far too young for this"

I was just about to take out my anger on him but the door flew up. 3 black haired idiots were all lying on top of each other.

"Bruce wait! isn't this unfair?" Grayson said, stepping over the other two.
"He's actually right this time, Bat-dad" Drake said. "Demo- I mean, Damian went from grumpy to kinda humanlike in less than a week.

Then everyone looked at Todd.
"Whatever, I'm here for the drama"
"The point is, Bruce" Grayson started. " You never forbid us to sleep with others as Robin. Damian should decide that for himself just as we did"

Father gave him a death-glare before giving me eye contact.
"One warning. If you do this again, I'll ground you and [y/n] have to live somewhere else. got it?"
"yes father"
"now, get ready for school. Alfred will be waiting outside in an hour"

I hope father doesn't know, but I know that she is already suspicious. I must lead her away from those thoughts before she finds out what everything's about.

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