Chapter 15

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Your pov

School again and another day to lay low. Although, waking up with him can make me happy any day.
We ate breakfast together, everyone except Bruce Wayne.
Jason broke the vase again today. Dick kept going with his dad-jokes.. he really looked like a dad too with his robe and newspaper.
Damian was angrylooking as always and Tim was.. reading a book? Didn't see that coming.

I angled my head to see the cover but he noticed and shut it before I could see.
"I love books! What are you reading?"
"Not your business"
How rude..
I noticed that he was blushing.. odd much?
Suddenly Jason took the book from his hands.
"Jason! Give it back!"
"I didn't know you liked romantic trash Timmy! Is it porno in it?
"Go learn reading and you'll figure it out, shitface!"
Tim succeeds to steal it back.

"If you fools are done fighting now, I have some business in Blűdhaven in the noon. Bruce will be gone until tomorrow and Jaybird here will assist me. So you three will be home alone. Don't burn everything down, I only trust you with [n/n] in charge"
"Thank you Grayson but I can care for myself" Damian said.

Alfred packed our lunch before driving me and Damian to school.
He held my hand in the car and I enjoyed every second of the trip.
When we parted, I met up with Bart who forgot to study again. It's understandable though cause it's a long way to Central City.

"Hey [n/n], I got something for you" he said before handing me a book.
"Hmm.. Aerial arts for amateurs. Why?"
"You told me earlier that you were interested in learning acrobatics and stuff so I found this.. somewhere. Anyway, I thought of you"
"You're so increadebly kind, thank you Bart"

I have body insecurities for God know how long and I told Bart about them before.. I can't believe that he actually wants to help me.
I read it between the classes and lunch. Damian didn't question it either and Jon bounded with Bart at the time.

Maddie on the other hand, stopped me in  the corridor when the school day ended.
"You're weird, you know that?"
"Is that something bad?"
"Not good weird. You're unattractive and awkward, that's a different kind of weird"
"Are you in love in me or what? I don't get why you're always so rude to me"
"Ew, are you a lesbo or just some freak? Stay away from Damian. He's out of your league anyway"
"Why would I ever listen to you?"
"Cause I can make you sorry. No one really likes you. It was an act from the beginning"
I took my stuff and went past her. She annoys me in every way possible.

Although.. Why would they act like they liked me? That would be a great waste of time.
I couldnt stop thinking of it though. I haven't been in a friendgroup before and I consume that groups gossip a lot.
Damian didn't seem to talk to anyone but Jon either. It's the same with me and Bart considered that he is my closest friend.

They didn't have a clue that Damian and I already are a couple. We hide it very well, maybe too well.
I was walking fast to the car and sat angrily besides Damian.
"I'm not hanging in your group anymore" I told him.
"How come?" He didn't really care much.
"I just don't want to"
"Is it because of me?"
"No. I just prefer to not belong to a group" He seemed unsure.
"Okay, suit yourself"

I rested my head on the window all the way home.

Damian went to the training room, working on his abs? I don't know.. instead I sat at the table, reading a novel I found in the shelve by the hall.
"I've read that too, it's good"
Tim made me jump. He walks quiet.
"You scared me to death" I said holding by my heart.
"Yeah, sorry. I can be quiet sometimes too"

He sat in front of me, drinking some coffee. " you know that's not good for you" I told him smirking.
"If it wasn't good, it wouldn't taste good" he said while sipping it.
"I don't think that's how it works.. Well whatever" I took a cup myself, feel like I need some energy.

"So, how do you like it here in Gotham. Is it different from [y/p]?" Tim asked.
"It's great besides the high criminality range and the bad weather.. but I like the manor a lot. It's lovely"
"Well.. I've been out there, in the streets."
He nodded while looking out through the window with an empty glare.
"I'm happy you're here, where you can be safe"

I blushed at his comment. He's happy? For what reason I wonder.
"Show me"
He quickly got back from his daydreaming, starring confused at me.
"Outside the manor. I want to know"

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