Chapter 30

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I didn't know where to start.. should I go to him or get away from here?
His actions hurt my feelings and it's hurtful that he thought I was spying on them and worse, being unfaithful with Tim.
I slowly walked towards his room and just stood outside his door, too scared to knock on it.

"Come on in, [y/n]" Damian called from the room.
I took a deep breath and stepped in.
To my surprise, he didn't have a shirt on but instead a lot of fresh bandages.
Maybe it shouldn't come as surprise since I already know he is Robin..
It's just so new to me and it still feels so unreal, but yet, here we are.
"You don't have to pretend anything [y/n]. I won't either"
It took me some time to realize I was staringat him.
"I'm so sorry, Damia-"
"No. No more "sorries" or bad excuses. This whole relationship, it was meant to fail and you know it. As soon as father took you in I knew you would fall in to this mess even though I constantly tried to deny it. Father was right"

I couldn't believe his words. Is this the same Damian?
I hardly recognize him.. I've never seen him so cold.
"You're breaking up?" My eyes burn from holding my tears and my throat tightens. It only gets worse when I try to swallow.
How can he just stand there? Cold and untouched knowing he is hurting me?
What did I do wrong?
"You're unbelievable. You went from being a loving boyfriend to a cold stone in like, what? And hour??"
I was so mad at him, what is he even thinking?

"Yes [y/n]. I couldn't love someone who would go behind my back and put themselves in danger. I've talked to my father and your plane tickets have been registered. You're going home tomorrow"

I couldn't stop my tears now.
I didn't care anymore, this is the cruelest someone has ever been to me.
How can he just stand there and not even flinch.
"If this is what you want then I won't bother you anymore! Besides, I always thought you used Robin as a disguise.. turns out it's the other way around"
With that I rush out from his room.
I didn't look back and I didn't want to stay here anymore.
I'll gladly go home instead. I miss my parents and their dog.. I miss my own home.

I keep on walking towards my open door before closing it.
The room was just as quiet as I left it and I could finally breathe.
I collapsed on the floor and just started to sob loudly.
What do I do?
I am scared and to be honest, I'm not ready to leave Damian.
I don't even have time to cry and I also gotta pack.. everything happened so fast.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door.
I quickly got up, expecting Damian to open but I was not surprised by seeing Dick on the other side.
He is always so nice to me.
His arms were held out for me and I didn't think a second before I just ran into them.
"Figured you needed this. I'm so sorry for everything"
I cried, and not in a cute way.
In reality, I've always been an ugly cryer.
I just knew how to maintain my amount of tears but when it gets serious, people will know.
"H-he's such an i-idiot. H-h-how could he do this!"

He looked at me with narrowed eyes.
"I think there's more to it than Damian doesn't admit. Don't give up just yet [y/n]"
With those words we let go and quickly went away towards the hallway.
I didn't think much about it and I didn't have time to before Alfred came by to help me tidy up the room.
The packing didn't take long even though the tears blurred out my vision.
I've already told my family about what happened (except the whole superhero thing).
They would forbid me to go anywhere again if they knew about it.

Suddenly the door opens again. I turned and expected Dick to be back but instead a somewhat smaller black haired figure ran up to me with a warm embrace with tears in his eyes.
"Don't leave!"

.. "Tim"

Beware Of The Demon //Damian Wayne x Reader  Where stories live. Discover now