Chapter 17

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Your pov

We got back to our little roofcamp to talk books and eat biscuits. I can't believe how much in common we have. He's the male version of me besides the dangerous stuff.. and older of course. Like a big brother! I've learned that he's got a sensitive side and how caring he can be just when you get to know him.

"Hey [n/n], I want you to meet an old friend of our family later. If you want to explore here, you'll have to get the right contacts, just in case."
Now I'm super curious.
"Who might that be?"
He sat up and closed the book.
"His name is James Gordon, a police officer, and he's heard of you"
I wonder why he suddenly want me to meet him..
"Is there anything special I have to know about? Everyone seems to worry about me a lot. I'm not made of glass, you know"

"You're a target now [y/n], believe me."
I didn't know what he meant by that
"But why?"
He put his hands on my shoulders
"Everyone knows that you live with us and Bruce is one of the richest men in Gotham, so think. Why are people criminals?"
I thought for a second
"Exactly. All except one who only kills for the thrill"

He stood up, putting his hands in his pockets and walked to the edge. He seems mysterious.. like he's hiding a part of himself. Also, he seems so sad when talking about it.
I wonder why..
"Who?" I asked carefully
"The Joker"
I got chills. I was so focused, I didn't notice the rain pouring down.
"No one knows where he came from but he always seems to come back."

I put on my hood to protect myself from the rain. I heard distant thunder. Tim took my hand and led me under a roof.
"Great timing.. or not" he laughed out.
"I start to consider if this was a good idea after all" I responded with a chuckle.
"Of course it is, I've never talked to someone like this for a long time." He looked sad, like he got a flashback.
"Are you okay?"
He suddenly hugged me. It was out of the blue.
"Sorry, [y/n]. I forgot how it felt like to have someone to talk to, just until now"
I heard a small sob from him..
Wait.. he's crying?

We stood there in silence, listening to the thunder in the distance and heavy drops tapping on metal.
The peace stopped following by a large thunderlike noice and screaming people.
"Get down!" Tim was fast to react and pushed me down, protecting my body with his. I could see glass shatter and falling to the ground through the gapes.

I couldnt hear anything but a peeping noice. I think I blacked out for a moment. Tim's lips were moving but no sound came out.
Suddenly I heard him call my name.
"[y/n]!! Get up, we need to run!"
He helped me stand up. Now I saw what was happening. Fire. The smoke was thick and the air stank of burned chemicals. I coughed violently. "Get up, hurry!"
Tim gestured me to jump on his back.
I did as he said and he ran.
"What caused this?" I asked with a weak voice. "A bomb, the building beside us!"

He climbed down with me still on his back. How come that all the boys are ripped and well trained?
He took up some sort of an advice and pressed it. Must be a rich boy thing.. maybe?
"Stay put. Help is on their way" he said. He looked like a soldier. It's like he was well prepared for a situation like this.

My thoughts got interrupted by the most terrifying sound I've ever heard. It was a laughter. Dark, disturbing and hideous laughter, slowly building up from the shadows. In the corner of my eyes, I sensed that something was moving towards us.
It looked like a killer clown with bright green hair and a white face covered in massive scars. His crazy eyes was starring directly at me, almost like he could see through my body and into my soul.
The horrifying appearance didn't end there. Right across his face, was a wide, bright red, hideous frown.

"Well, well, well. Looks like the weasel is out of the box"
There was that laugh again. I wanted to scream and fight for my life but I couldn't move. I nearly threw up by fear.
"[Y/n], keep calm" Tim said quietly. "I won't let him touch you"

He was reaching for his bag after something but got interrupted. Someone came jumping down the building with a hooded cape and a sharp sword, a katana I believe, ready to charge towards the green haired man.
"Touch her, and I'll kill you" He threatened.

"Aah, the Boy Blunder. Sorry, kiddo but you're not invited.." unexpectedly, he dragged out a rusty crowbar from his sleeve "..But now that you're here, let's have some fun!"

Beware Of The Demon //Damian Wayne x Reader  Where stories live. Discover now