Chapter 31

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He walks around my room, shutting the door behind him.
I soon begin to realize he's up to something since he also shut all the windows and curtains in his hurry.
"What's happening?"
I asked quietly but he hushed me.
He was still looking around in every corner of the room.
He found at least three listening devices which he crushed under his shoe before leading me into the closet.
"I've found traces and it's now or never. The clown isn't far away and I know his next move."

I blinked in confusion.
"Wait.. so what does it have to do with me and why telling me this in a closet?"
He let out a sigh, I felt dumb by asking but I didn't really get it.
"The next move is you, [y/n]. You're a target to him and his gross assistant, Harley Quinn. She broke out from Arkham as soon as she got there with help from the outside. That's why you're being sent away which I think will give them an opportunity to leave Gotham."
I was in shock. I couldn't see why they would make such an effort in just one person.. then I realized..
"They know I'm Batgirl.. am I right?"
He just nodded, confirming my fear shortly.
An uncomfortable feeling made me shiver from my spine.
I couldn't get rid of the joker's horrible image.
"But how? I didn't drop anything? Or did I?"
"No, no one knows how and it's nearly impossible. Bruce suspected you worked for him but it must have been something else."

I thought about it for a moment.. could it be Damian?
No! What am I thinking. He wouldn't do that. I know he isn't the most gentle or kind person in this house but he couldn't turn evil.
"Whatever it is, we have to find him before he finds me"
Tim nodded in agreement.
"Meet me outside the Manor in an hour. I need to fix something"
Without any hesitation he walked out from the room.
Luckily, I still had my Batgirl uniform in the closet.

* time skip to an hour cause 🖕🏻*

I managed to sneak out from my window where Tim waited for me in a black car with tainted windows.
He had his full costume with his cowl down, resting on his shoulders.
"Next destination is the harbour. They are plotting in an empty storage"
He showed me his screen that was linked to a hidden camera.
I didn't recognize any of the others but I could clearly see that horrible smile on the Joker's twisted face.
The girl was there too with a man in green and a bigger "thing" with what looks like a cage around his mouth.
"That's Bane, watch out for him. Those arms can crush a diamond (and I dont want this one to break)"

I pretended as I didn't hear the last thing he whispered.
I am flattered by the attention he gives me, yes.. but it could only make the conflict worse between me and Damian.
Besides, I do care a lot about Tim's feelings too and I don't want to ruin anything between us.
I like how we can talk about stuff for hours straight and still laugh.
But.. if I hadn't met Damian. If I hadn't stumbled on Robin that day.. then maybe..

"We're here. I can't drive any further"
Tim's voice interrupts my overthinking and I realize it's time to act.
"I've called for backup, they will be here when we have covered the exits"
He turns to me and put on his hood that was modified with darkvision.
"After this, you won't have to go home. If you're scared, let yourself be scared. Just know I won't let anything happen to you"

I put on my equipment with ease.
"I'm not scared and I won't go back, let's kick some ass"

Beware Of The Demon //Damian Wayne x Reader  حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن