Chapter 27

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Damian's pov

"I'm such an idiot"
I sat in my bed and looked down on my phone.
Her text is up on the screen.
I could hear people celebrate downstairs.. today is the day of the speedsters.
I never liked parties. Especially birthday parties..
I always ended up celebrating them alone before I knew Jonathan.
He visited me just a few days ago, nagging about some Halloween party but I told him to fly home.
I don't need anyone's pity..

I hear a knock on the door.
"Hey little brother. How's it going?"
Grayson said after walking in without permission, looking all over ridiculous.
He is wearing a red Flash t-shirt and a yellow cone hat.
"If you're going in anyway, why do you knock?" I asked sarcastically.
He sighed.
"Sorry for being worried. I just wondered if you wanted some cake" he held a plate to me but I refuse to take it.
"You don't need to worry about me, I'm fine!"
He sighs.
Then he quickly grabs my phone before I could even register what was happening.
"Dear, sweet, beloved, [y/n]"
He speaks clearly as he begins to type.
"GRAYSON! Give it back!!"
I shout, trying to reach for it but he is too tall and immovable.
"I'm sorry for everything, Im so sorry for being a-"
"STOP THIS INSTANT!" I try to climb up on his shoulders but he shakes me off again by putting a hand on my face.
"-A little prick and I hope you can find a way in your heart to forgive me!"
He continues.
I back away and grab my sword from the wall quietly.
I was just about to charge at him when suddenly someone held me back by my shirt.
"Damian! Put that back!"

It was Starfire.. great.
"It's alright, Kori. I'm just messing with him." Grayson smirks flirtatious at her.
Messing, my ass..
"Dick, you know Damian has to work on his anger issues"
She takes my sword away from me and made a bodysearch to see if I had any more weapons.
"I will confiscate this for now. And Dick!"
He jumped by surprise.
"He's here now"

I didn't know what's going on but he gave me a last look before handing over my phone..
He didn't send the message.
I erased it but it feels like my heart just dropped.
I wanted to explain it to her.
I wanted to tell her how much I missed her.

I slowly started to type but got interrupted when someone opened my door again.

"Let's talk, Damian"


Your pov

"I don't want to do this stupid test anymore, Tim! I can't find anything here at all"
I dropped down by the wall and just cried.
I'm so damn hopeless.
I could never live up to become batgirl..
At least I'm not capable of living up to their expectations.
It's like being home again with my parents while trying to make them proud of me.
"Don't give up, [n/n], I know you have it in you. You just need some practice."
He sat down beside me with a hopeful smile on his face.
"Easy for you to say.. you're a natural.
A great detective, jumping from building to building without fear, running into the danger."
I sigh out.
"That's not true. I'm always afraid, I have my weaknesses and flaws too. Clowns terrifies me and I sleep with a night lamp.. yet, I still try"
He looks at me, more serious this time.
If it wasn't for that, I'd thought he would be joking.. but he wasn't.
"Don't be the one to give in to the fear, [y/n]. Look again and again, until you find something."

I tried to navigate the whole scene until I remembered.
The file.
I pick it up again and searched through the photos.
There was this pearl necklace in the picture but it was teared.
It looks like they've been shot one time each.. and everything looked intact.
Their wallets wasn't stolen..

It's a plot.

I rush up from my spot and navigated around.
I found the place their bodies had landed and the place the murderer were standing.
"I think I know"
I quickly searched on the ground where I thought the pearls hit.
I searched among the dirt and rocks when I finally found something.
One single pearl.
I put it in a plastic bag and marked the place with a red sticker.
"It was all set. It wasn't for their money they did this, it can't be. It must be for another reason, but what?"

Tim nodded in approval, confirming that my theories were correct.
"Well done, Batgirl"

Beware Of The Demon //Damian Wayne x Reader  Where stories live. Discover now