Chapter 22

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Damian's pov

"I'm sorry.."

I shut the door and wiped my tears away with my sleeve. I won't forgive my father for this and I hate myself right now more than anything.

I packed my stuff after saying goodbye to [y/n].. at least trying to. I couldn't bare to wake her up. I've been sended to boarding school. At least that's what they are telling her.
I'm going to the T tower in san Francisco, Carlifornia. My father likes to send me there when he thinks I misbehave too much for everyone's well being. As far as he knows, he sees it as a punishment but I actually don't compeletely hate it there.

The only thing I despite is to be too far from [y/n]. Luckily we can still chat, if she forgive me.
I'm so stupid..
I didn't need anything but what was in the batcave so I hacked and took possession of Drake's laptop since I couldn't face my own girlfriend. I found some abominable photos of his previous girlfriend which I deleted and cleared his impure browser history.

Grayson was driving me which would give me a change to drive the batmobile the last route. I'm greatful to think of him as a family member and I hope to come home soon. Mostly because [y/n] is living in the same building as a perverted imbecile and I can't be there to tell him to back off.

Father clearly said that when the Joker is caught, I can come home and that could take forever.
I will make sure that I'm coming home anyway and when I do, I take her with me and I will build a new team. I don't want to be Robin anymore, not without her in my life.

Your pov

I must have dreamed cause I thought I heard a car outside the manor.
I heard Titus whine and before I knew it, I woke up. Nothing felt right at the moment and I started to panic. I'd put on damian's red robe and went out to the corridor and ran down to the kitchen. Both Tim and Jason sat there and looked somewhat sad.

Tim slowly looked up at me with a teary face.
"What happened?" I asked with a shaky voice.
"[N/n].. I'm so sorry but he sent him away. It was predicted but.. I don't think he's coming back in a long time now." my heart broke into pieces at his words. I couldn't even cry because it didn't seem real to me at all.

Jason finally looked up. He looked so tired and red eyed. I understood that he just got home. "Bruce is a fucking cunt. It's the forth damn time he does this and he hasn't learned shit" Jason said and threw a vase to the floor.

"Don't mind me, I'm just gonna crash every fucking vase in Wayne Manor"
Tim didn't even care to stop him even though he knew Dick was going to be extremely mad.

We heard crashes and swearing litteraly everywhere.
Even Alfred tipped one to the floor this time, maybe because he gave up the cleaning.
I couldn't even manage to laugh now. It's like my heart has been ripped out of my chest.

"[n/n].. I am here for you and I will try to get him home and so is Dick. I don't know how but well figure it out"

Now my tears came. I had a total breakdown in front of him and I didn't know what to do.
"Shit.." Tim said to himself before quickly standing up, rushed to my side and hugged me.

"H-he didn't say goodbye.. he.."
I stuttered too much to even finish that sentence.
I felt broken.

Didn't he love me enough to even say goodbye?
This is like I've always been left, just like that without a single warning.

I broke free from Tim's embrace but he stopped me when I tried to walk away.
"Don't, [y/n]. Just don't isolate yourself.."

I told him the story before. It had me in deep depression for over a year.
I wanted that again. I wanted to be in my safe bubble.
He didn't stop me when I broke free and walked up to damian's room.

I realized that Titus stayed in his bed so I led him out and locked the door. This is how I want to be left by the last one I could ever love.

With everything unchanged and untouched.

Damian's pov

Starfire was the only one there to welcome me back since we arrived late. While she and Grayson talked, or rather flirted, I decided to investigate my old room. with everything untouched and precisely where I left it.
The only thing I didn't find amusing was the photo of me and Raven from the time we dated. I threw it in the garbage can immediately.

The time have almost stopped in here. My swords, the pillows, everything is the same except the memories with [y/n]. I wish I did different than seeking for stupid vengeance. I could at least have held her for a bit longer but.. I guess it's far to late for that.

I threw my civilian clothes on the floor and pulled out my Robin suit from my bag. After putting everything on but the mask I looked into the mirror.
This is who I was. Who I've always been.

'This is the guy that ended up to hurt her the most'

'He lied'

'He didn't say why he left'

'And now, he hides behind a mask that faced so many horrors imagined, his conscious can carry it on it's own'

"I'm Robin."

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