Chapter 16

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Your pov

Tim glared at me for a second
"I don't think so. It's a nightmare out there"
"Please. I can handle myself. Besides, you've been there before so you can show me"
Tim hesitated
"Please Tim. I'm so curious"
"Fine! But don't leave my side and avoid all eye contact with strangers"

I jumped in happiness before running up to my room. I put on some comfortable clothes with inner pockets. I finally got to do something that's not involving Damian.

In speak of the devil, i found him waiting outside my room. "Hi Dami"
"Where are you going?"
"I'm curious about the city so Tim is taking me out"

Damian's pov

What? Hell no!

She nodded.
"You're not going out [y/n] It's too late and far too dangerous"
"Well, you can't keep me here so why don't you join us?"
"With Tim? I'd rather step on lego"
She looked disappointed but smiled right after.
"Okay Damian. See you when I get home." She kissed my cheek before sprinting down the stairs. She looks so happy. I can't take that away from her, it would break me to see her sad again. I hope Tim doesn't let anyone hurt her.

"Fucking hell"

Your pov

Alfred was driving us to the city. I was excited but also a bit scared. Tim was all dressed in black and told me to do the same. After all, we were going to the places he were raised.

We arrived at the destination and Alfred just seemed to get along with it. He told us to call if were troubled and took off. Tim took his backpack on his shoulders and signalled me to follow.

The city seems gloomy and foggy and there were a lot of streetcats.
"So first we'll find a roof that's good for taking breaks thoughout the roundtour. A few blocks away from here lies the police department and around 2 blocks further is the bank"
I looked around. Before following him to an alley.
"Can you climb?" He asked while taking down a ladder.
"I'm scared of heights" I confessed.
"It's alright, I got you"
He helped me up to the first step and made sure I didn't fall. My anxietylevel were raising at this point.

I didn't like the idea of climbing so far up high, but I did it anyway.
When we reached the top I could finally breathe.
He grabbed my hand and led me to the edge.
I looked down and realized how far down it was. I grabbed his arm and felt like I was going to faint.
"It's alright. Look over there instead, through the lights. Feel the wind."

I relaxed a bit. It was indeed beautiful.
"You think this is how Batman sees it too?" He seemed distant and mysterious while gazing at the lights.
"I don't think so"
"Why wouldn't he?"
He didn't answer but led me back from the edge.
"Come" he ran off to the other side of the building. He waited at the edge for me.
"I'll jump first"
He took a step back.
Is he messing with me? Who on earth would jump from a building?
"Are you crazy!? Tell me you're joking!"
He only smiled before running off and disappeared.

I ran to the edge, thinking he would lay down there with broken bones but it was a smaller building right next to it and he was still standing.
"You are crazy!"
"Whatever! Jump, I'll catch you!"

Oh god.. What am I doing?

I took a step back and jumped after him. Luckily for him, he catches me with ease.
"I'm never doing that again" I said to myself.
"Of course you are" he replied with a smirk.
What an idiot..
"Put me down please"
He did as I told and went off around a corner.
I ran after him.
He led me to a large object covered by a tarpaulin.
"This is why he can't enjoy the lights of Gotham"
He took it off to reveal a large projection lamp.
"Look closer"

I slowly walked to the front of it. There was a large bat symbol attached to the lamp.
"People in Gotham needs a hero." He took my wrist and laid my hand on the metal bat. "Darkness has it's hand over the city and he's scary enough to take them down."

I couldnt imagine how that burden must feel with all the people counting on him to save them, to save Gotham.
"Is he alone?"
Tim snapped back from his daydreaming.

"He's never alone"

Beware Of The Demon //Damian Wayne x Reader  Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora