Chapter 33

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How could he?
Why is Tim working with the enemy?
I came to notice his face. It had a streak of red paint dragged from ear to ear.. at least I thought it was paint.
He looked like a pure psychopath, much like the Joker himself.
"Tim!! This isn't funny!" I tried to reach out to him but he was just getting closer to me with something that looked like a chain with some weird harness attached to it.
It was useless to struggle and I dont know what he's up to. The next thing I knew, I was blindfolded, and hanging from somewhere in the mid air.

Cars were driving far down and the rain poured down on my clothes, soaking my suit and made my chest bruise up from the restraint of the harness.
I cried out in pain and prayed for someone to hear me.

Damian's pov

Rain poured down hard, pounded the front window of the batwing.
We got the call from the GCPD that the Joker has taken a hostage who's currently hanging from the Wayne Tower.
I kept my eyes away from the drivers seat. Father was upset by me for not taking responsibility for my now ex girlfriend.
I didn't even want this relationship to end, it's just like when I was living with my mom. I felt empty and like I've lost my way again.

"The hostage is right under us, Robin. We're going down there fast. No mistakes, got it?"
I nodded at him in response before dashing through the air, clinging to my grapplinghook.
I landed right above the railing.
a black-clothed female was hanging from a large chain, swaying above the traffic below.

Father was currently knocking out the swat team the clown has ordered. I took my chance and filed myself down through the foggy air.
As I get closer I can clearly see the girl, and I feel my heart sink in my chest.
She has lost her consciousness and her delightful face is bruised all over, but I could still recognize her features.
"Hey! [y/n]!" I untied the blindfold and touched her face carefully. She's ice cold already. I check her pulse and feel the ticking underneath my index.
Her eyes opens slightly.
"D.. Damien.."
I'm relieved, she's alive!
"Dont worry my love, hang onto me. I'll get us out of h-"

Suddenly the building was shaking.
The roof exploded and smoke was coming out fast.
Wayne enterprises was on fire.
Bodies are falling and it sounds like the city is crying for help. I look at the girl before me, she looks frightened.
I just want to hold her, tell her everything on my mind. I want to tell her everything I never had the courage to and take her home safely.
Suddenly the building shakes one more time, causing the chain to snap.
"Damian!!" She screamed after me. I reach out and grabbed her arm in a firm grip, holding on for dear life.

Suddenly I feel something snap hard under my gauntlet. I pressed my lips together, trying not to scream.. I didn't want to scare her.
I have no feeling in my left arm which made it even more difficult to get a hold of my grappling hook.
With a little effort, I sneered the rope a around my wrist.

"Please, don't let go" she pleaded while her tears blended in with the rain.
"Never. I should never had let you go in the first place" I cried out, thinking of everything i could have done for preventing this from happening.

Then I hear something getting closer. I was thankful to see a yellow streak making it's way here.
It travels up the building and before I could even blink, Kid Flash stood by the window frame.
"Robin! Listen closely! Justice league is on their way but you have to hold on cause I can't go up there!"
I sighed irritated. "Why is that so!!?" I scream back in frustration.
"Batman is down and I need to prevent the toxic gas from reaching the city! It's a death trap!"
I looked down on the girl. The whole building is about to fall apart. We'll either die crashing or the toxic smoke will get us first. I have no choice but to wait for the others.
"Do what you need to do!" I replied.
He nobbed, then he ran around on the walls at the building, creating a vortex shield above us.

My hands are getting sweaty from holding both her and myself. The chain hanging from her waist isn't making it easy for me either.
There's no other way but down from this point, and I know it's hopeless already.
Or.. she could survive. I just need to be strong enough to pull her up. Then I can switch her place with mine.
"[y/n].. I've calculated the chances for us both to survive, and-"
"Don't say it!" She interrupted. "I dont want to hear how much I failed on this mission. I just wanted to care for myself and now, look at where we are!" She cried.
"No! You don't understand! It was me who failed you. I shouldn't have sent you away. And if this is the end, I want you to know how much you mean to me and how brave you are"

Your pov

I wish I could see his eyes behind the mask. He looks so fearless with it.. but I know he's just as scared as I am.
I wasn't brave. I was terrified this whole time. Not just at the moment I landed in Gotham, but even before that.
I've been afraid of growing up ever since my brother left for college. I still have the cape he gave me to remind myself of the past, when everything was just fun and I felt safe.
Being a superhero was always nothing more than a game for me either. Now I've realized, that being a superhero isn't a choice.. it's a calling and I've never heard it until this very moment.
"Damian.. remember that I love you. Always."
I loosened my grip slowly, while getting a last glance at my beloved.
"NO! Don't be stupid! Hold it!" He cried out in pain.
His grip tightened and my hand began to hurt badly. I knew this was the time for me to show what I'm capable of.
I gave my last strength to reach up with my other hand.
"I see you, Damian Wayne. You want to live as much as I do.. but it's not the time for dreaming about the future right now. Your arm is tearing apart. I know it's broken."
I stutter.
His tears were slipping from behind his mask as he tightened the grasp even further.
"You're like an open book.. and I'd like you to continue writing it. So I beg you. live, for both of us"

I used it to bend up his fingers so he could let go.
"No! Don't do this! Not this please!"
Hearing him plead makes it so difficult.. but I know, deep down.. that this is the only right thing to do.
"Goodbye Damian"
I forced his hand to open at last..

Then I fell.

It went so slow, it's like I have all the time in the world to think about everything I love. My family, Wayne manor, Tim, Dick, Jason, Alfred, being batgirl... and Damian.
They're all smiling, welcoming me home again. I've graduated and mom is preparing a cake while dad is hanging out with my soon to be husband.
I saw my kids and every night and day I were going to spend with Damian.
I were with him to our very last breaths.

I finally close my eyes, smiling. I achieved it and I've earned my place in this world. Everything and anything is in my reach to take.
It's like I'm floating around in pure light, surrounding every inch of my body.

Damian pov

I look down through the fog.

I couldn't grasp the reality.. was she gone?

I have my hopes up to see her come flying back to me at any moment now...

But that moment never came.

Two weeks later

"Alright Damian, you ready to go?" Grayson spoke as we stood at the airport, watching the people go by to their planes wherever I looked.
This is the last thing to do before she's truly gone.
My arm were still broken from the incident but the pain didn't bother me at all..
It feels like I'm still there, looking down at her beautiful eyes.. I shouldn't be here. It should have been me.

We informed her parents that we had a car accident to explain all this, even though they deserve the truth. Their daughter was a hero, a real one.
The other thing I've never told them is the thing they got from the obduction on what was left of her.. four weeks old, growing inside of her.
I was never prepared for being a parent and I shouldn't be.. but anything would be better than this.
I dedicated myself for being a vigilante and I've learned that love.. love is just another obstacle that will be snatched away from you whenever you take someone into your life.
Sometimes.. you have no choice but letting it go.

"I was never ready." I replied quietly.
He gave me a melancholy look.
We stood there in silence, dressed in suits with luggage in our hands. He then puts his hand on my healthy shoulder
"It wasn't your fault, Damian." He spoke quietly
I didn't dare to speak. I failed this mission more than I thought I could possibly do.

Still, it feels like my love for [y/n] did grow a lot more ever since I couldn't hold her anymore.
"No.. It was"

"Next plane to [y/p]" the speaker shouted at last

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