Chapter 3

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Damian's pov

I knew I had to help her, poor girl.
My dad had to take her in for some nights at least. We don't even know where she lives.
I had her on my lap in the batmobile, still unconscious. She didn't seem to know Batman and Robin so there might be a risk she doesn't even live around here.

As soon as we got to the cave, Dick showed up.
"Alfred just prepared a room for the girl, shall I take her there?" Dick had a concearned look on his face.
"Whatever Grayson, she'll be fine"
I handed the girl to Dick carefully.

"Have you discovered where the swat team headed after the robbery?" Dad interrupted.
"I believe the Joker had something to do with it but the situation is unclear. She was lucky that you found her" he looked down at the [y/h/c] girl in his arms. "We will talk about it more tomorrow"

Time skip..

Your pov

I was so tired and thirsty when I woke up. It was so dark, probably night. I didn't recognize the smell on the cheats.
What happened?
I was in a nightgown too, I don't remember changing my clothes.. unless.
Memories began to come back.. I almost got killed.

I felt really dizzy now but not enough to pass out.. I just needed a glass of water, maybe something stronger.
The real question is.. where am I? This isn't my home.
I walk to the wooden door and open it slowly. Is this some kind of hotel?
I found some stairs leading down so I went there in hope to find some kitchen area.

When I got there, I saw a boy sitting on a chair next to the table. His hair was jet black and backslicked. He seemed to be around my age. I turned 16 a month before school started.

"We're glad you're awake."
I looked confused around the room. "Eh.. thanks?" The boy was reading something. "What time is it?" I asked carefully
He closed the book, now starring at me very intense.

Damian s pov

She had a confused look on her face. I couldn't stop looking at her.
"You're in my dad's manor. He volunteered to take you in"
She nodded lightly.

I couldn't help to smirk, she was kinda pretty even with her hair messy. "I should go to bed, if you need anything you can call for Alfred or knock on my door. It's right across your room"
She nodded and smiled

Your pov

Thank you. I'm [y/n] by the way. [y/n][l/n].
His green eyes met my [e/c] ones.
"Wayne. Damian wayne" he replied before heading to his bedroom.

I nearly forgot why I came down here the first place.. yeah right, water.

Beware Of The Demon //Damian Wayne x Reader  Where stories live. Discover now