Chapter 18

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Damian's pov

I looked him dead in the eye, ready to defend. I did right to trust my own gut and follow them.
At first I felt anger because of the time Tim got from her.
I'll give him a real talk later.

"Do your best, fucking scumbag"
He charged towards me and I blocked him several times. I was faster, stronger.
Then suddenly that came to a change when he luckily unarmed me.
I used up my batarangs already.
The remaining thing saw to use my hands and legs.
I got hit my the crowbar several times but I refused to show him my pain. I won't give that to him.

Your pov

I was scared.
I watched robin fall to the ground. I reached for Tim's hand but he was gone. Why on earth did he leave me? I felt hurt and betrayed. Robin didn't seem to be able to fight anymore so I decided to take a risk. I found a chair in the back of the ally. I grabbed it by pure instincts and swung it against the jokers head. It broke. He fell to the ground and his lip was bleeding, causing it to be even more red than before.
He only began to laugh.

"Stupid girl!" He got up right away and grabbed my troat, lifting me from the ground. I couldn't breathe.
"I like your spirit, I admit that! It's almost a shame that I'm about to snatch your neck!"
I wanted to scream and fight back but I ran out of oxygen.
Just before I went unconscious, I heard a thud and I fell down to the ground.
A masked guy dressed in red and black fought the joker. It looks like he's about to kill him.
His uniform reminds me of a bird and he was armed with a long staff,
a bo-staff if I'm not mistaken.
He charged with all he got against the Joker. I was so caught up on the fight, I didn't realize someone was sneaking up behind me.

I heard a gunclick from my right side.
"You look disgusting, Waynetrash"
It was a woman's sweet and threatful voice.
"The boys won't help you so don't even bother to scream"
"Are you going to kill me now?"
I answered quietly with my shaky voice.
She grabbed my arm and buried her nails in it. "No. But he will make you fucked up when he's done with the batboys" she laughed out. She seemed just as crazy as him.
I saw her clearly now. She was like him, dressed in a jester costume but her face was very pretty.

Suddenly from nowhere, a black rope was spun around her throat and she got dragged back to the darkness. My arm were bloody from the scratch of the jesters nails.
"Are you okay?"
It was another woman's voice this time. She appeared in a catlike leathercostume and in arm her she held the unconscious clownwoman and in the other hand, a whip.
"Have you seen Batman?" She asked quickly.
"No.. only these two" I pointed at the on going fight.
"Great.." She sighed and chained the jokers companion to a rail.
She went to help the birds to attack the joker but he had already escaped.

She quickly went to grab the unconscious woman. "I'm taking her to Arkham. Tell Batman about what happened!" She told the young hero before she escaped into the night.
The bird approached me carefully.
I also noticed that Robin was gone.
"Where did he go?" I asked the masked hero.
"He's safe. He does that very often. How are you doing?"
I noticed how damaged I must look with my bleeding arm and bruises.
"Better than I think, I hope. Someone were with me but he left.. I'm a bit scared to go back alone"

I was devastated. Tim left me here all alone. I trusted him with all my heart and he left. Tears started to fill my eyes.
I broke down completely before this stranger, it was so embarrassing.
Suddenly I felt arms around me. He felt warm and knew how to comfort me just the right way. He smelled like home even though he was covered in blood and dirt.
I thought to myself. How could I not see that?
I was so tempted to say something.. maybe even unmask him but I couldn't. I don't know why I hesitated but I could guess that it wasn't the right time.
"What do I call you?" I whispered against his chest.
"Red Robin, and I'm taking you home"
He said with a deep voice. I could feel his sadness through the disguise.

*time skip*

It felt like seconds before he left me at the door. Alfred took me in and took care of my wounds. After a while, I heard fast steps outside my room. In came both Damian and Dick. Damian ran to my bed and embraced me like he's never done before.

"Don't you ever do that again" he whispered to me with a shaky voice.

Damian's pov

I ran here as fast as I could, after I heard that she was home. I went after the joker but he got away.. and father got so mad at me. I should just have stayed with her but I'm just too stubborn.
"I'm okay, Damian. See? It's fine"
I looked at her. Her once soft and Smooth arms were now full of bruises and cuts. They looked more like mine used to look. "This is not okay, [y/n]. It's too dangerous out there"
"But I'm fine!"
"You could have DIED!"
And for the first time for really long, I felt a tear form and wander down to my chin. "Y-you could.. have died.."

After a while, I noticed that we were the only ones in the room now. Me and the one I care for the most in the whole wide world. I laid down on the bed with her, refused to let go. I carefully rested my head on her belly while her fingers run through my hair.
"Don't leave me" I told her softly.

"I could never"
After hearing those words, she began to sing. Meet me in the woods, it's a very good song. I Only heard it one time on her phone, the day I found her. It was on repeat. The only thing is that she sang it like a lullaby. It made me calm, I was so happy to have her here.
It's the last thing I remember before I zoned out.

I could only dream about her that night.

Beware Of The Demon //Damian Wayne x Reader  Where stories live. Discover now