Chapter 20

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//[A/N] sorry for being inactive. I've been busy actually with my cosplaygroup lately and we have so many projects going on. But I'll tell you next time if I can't write so much. Okay, back to the fiction//

Damian's pov

I went down to the batcave when I told [y/n] I was going out to buy pants.. I hate to lie but the Joker was still out there and father wanted to work alone. That's exactly why I have to check on it while he's at Wayne Enterprises.

I saw no evidence, no tracks. It seemed like he hasn't done anything at all.
I got so pissed. I threw the file over the room and heard a distant ouch.
"Watch it!"
It was Drake.. great

Tim's pov

I picked up the papers and recognized it immediately. It was the joker's file. Even I couldn't break the clues. That's because the Joker doesn't have a plan to break.
"Listen, Damian.. I've also looked through them. He's a mad man and mad men are harder to stop. Especially if he's a genious"
"I don't care! He'd hurt her. She could've died, Drake. I can't let this pass"

I collected the only one paper and put it back in the folder.
"Believe me. I didn't come down here for nothing either so don't worry, I won't tell bruce"
"You know you don't have to call him that. You're adopted" He said with an angry tone "Yeah but, he scares me sometimes"

I looked at the computer screen. My eyes always wanders to the right corner from this map. There he was, Jason. A dead boy wonder surrounded by his own blood.
"Bruce always said that he used to be the best. I'm just the replacement after all"
It scared me. Damian can be a pain in the ass sometimes but I'm scared that this will be him someday, broken and lifeless on the ground.

"I'm prepared. You can tell father if you want, I don't care. I will never stop"
I realized I had to help him.
I sat down at the chair and began to type.
"Why are you helping me?"
I found all the pictures on the location the Joker striked in the past three weeks.
"If I can't stop you, I guess I need to make sure you don't get killed. Besides, I'm the world's greatest detective"

Damian's pov

We sat there in hours and we found nothing. It's hopeless to know when there's fifteen different possible places he would be at.
"Drake, watch over so she doesn't follow me"
"Wait! What are you going to do?"
"I'm going back to the crime scene"
He grabbed me by my collar
"Oh no you don't! Bruce will kill me if anything happens to you."
I grabbed his arm and flipped him over like he weighted nothing.
"I can handle myself. I'm not thirteen anymore"
"Ouch, my bad. Forgot that you're not human"
"Watch your tongue. Just keep her busy, Okay?"
"Got it"
He got up from the floor and headed to the stairs.
"And by the way, don't forget about Harley. Last time she got her hands on Robin, it didn't end well"
With those words he walked away.

"I know"

Your pov

I was reading in the Wayne manor's own library. It was amazing to see books all the way up to the ceiling.
Then I heard the door open and Tim stepped in.
"Hey, what are you up to?"
I held up the book above my head and smiled at him.
"Oh, that ones not as good as the first published one"
"Is that so?"
I threw it to him. He caught in with one hand.. he must be him, the hero in the alley.

"Show me something better then" I thought for a moment..
"From the top of the highest shelf"
He grinned at me before climbing up the ladder, flexible like a cat. That's what all it took for me to be certain. He climbed down just as quickly with a novel about an orphan.
I decided to hint a bit.
"You know, you remind me of someone really cute and birdlike I met once"
He blushed a bit
"Yeah, and red fits you. You look just like a little Robin"
I blinked.

Tim's pov

It hit me like a lightning now
She knows.. shit

"I suppose you know by now so I'm not even going to pretend.. I'm sorry, I could never leave you like that"
She was smiling, so forgiving. How the hell could Damian end up with someone like her. A smile like that can make the world stop spinning.
"I know Tim, and I am so greatful for having you in my life. You're such an amazing friend"

My heart ached a bit when those words left her gorgeous lips. Despite all that, I still wanted to kiss her, my little brother's girlfriend. It felt weird.
"Anytime [y/n]"

She giggled before exitedly grabbing my hand and led me to the fireplace. She wanted me to tell about who I was. Of Course I lied a bit. I told her that I fight solo and left out the rest of the family but at least she knows I'm Red Robin now.

Damian's pov

If Drake touches her inappropriate, I'll definitely end him.

I was looking at her through the window. Her eyes was shining bright and she looked so happy. I jumped off the rail and drove towards the city. I stole the batmobile after removing the tracks and hacked the system so if father gets home, it will be harder to find me.

This time the jokes will be on him. That green haired bastard will be history and I can laugh at his pale ass ugly face when his rotten soul leaves his worthless limbs.
I will find him and I won't rest until he's dead.

Beware Of The Demon //Damian Wayne x Reader  Where stories live. Discover now