Chapter 21

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Your pov

I'm worried about Damian. Ever since the day I was attacked, he's been distant and angry. Tim said it's just how he handles stuff but I've never really seen him this mad. I'm happy that Tim made me company while Damian was out shopping. I just wondered why he must go to another state to do that.
Anyway, I decided to videocall Bart Allen. He needed help with an equation so I volunteered to help.

"You know, guys are like that sometimes. They like to vent and shopping pants may be another word to be alone and think, you know" he told me.
I felt even more sad now.
"I know, it's not crash at all and Damian can be a butthead sometimes but he loves you [n/n]"

"You're right, thank you for cheering me up, Bart"
He smiled bright in to the cam.
"Anytime, and remember that it's halloweenseason soon! You have to come and celebrate with us in central city"
It was in three weeks from now.
"I'll gladly! But I have nothing to wear"
I told him.
"Hmm. Not me either but I'll come up with something"
I gave him a thumbs up. I wanted something cool but yet classy.. maybe a catsuit? I would love to make something catwoman inspired since she saved me from Harley.

I told Bart and he wanted to make something like that too so he'll be Batman for Halloween.
His uncle Wally, who's just as old as Dick was going to have a party and we were all invited.
The Kent's are also invited and I'd love to meet Jon again. I was hoping to make Damian come along too since he's been so down.

It was late and I turned down my computer. I went to se if Damian was back from his trip but the manor was empty and A bit windy. I guess that Tim was asleep at the moment. I walked in to Damians room and laid down on his bed. The sheets smelled just like him and it's so soft and calming. I'll probably sleep here tonight and wait for him to come back. God, I miss him every second he's not holding me.

Damian's pov

First evidence of the fight I found was a piece of [y/n]'s shirt. There was still some traces of blood but the most of the blood and main evidences had been eaten by the vermin. I found the crowbar 3 blocks away though and decided to follow the tire marks.

I was out in almost four hours til I finally reached an abandoned apartment downtown.
I parked the batmobile under a bridge a couple of meters away and settled it on camouflage mode.
I placed a tracker that goes directly to the batcave and hidden cameras around the building before climbing up on it.

I fucking hope she doesn't think I'm cheating or anything. I've never missed home as much as now..

I climbed and carefully sneaked inside the window. The apartment were just filled with old dusty furniture and no small evidence of life. While searching the building someone attacked me from behind. I couldn't see who it was before I got a bad over my head.

I figured out I got caught by the clowns due to the irritating laughs.
"Knock him out dear, will you?" Joker asked.
Before she could make me unconscious I broke free by twisting his arm.
And ripping the bag off my head.

"You'll pay" I screamed while running up the wall while throwing a batarang at the joker's left leg.
"Oh, don't you mess with my puddin'! Harley screamed while throwing a bat at me. Ironic

It didn't take long before I realized that the bat was ticking. I wasn't prepared so I stumbled. I was able to get on the ground before it exploded and destroyed a part of the building.
The both maniacs ran away quickly but I wasn't going to give up this easy.
I grabbed my sword and ran after them as fast as I could but they were long gone.


Now they'll be more prepared. At least I managed to put a tracker on them.
My advice though was crashed to bits so I decided to go back home.

*time skip to the batcave*

It was pointless. The tracker didn't give any signals. This bastard is a good one and I know that if I find him again, I won't be able to surprise him again.

"Damian. We have to talk"
I heard fathers voice right behind me and turned around from the computer.
"I can explain"
He seemed pissed now but I was prepared for everything that was to come.

Your pov

I couldn't sleep. I was so scared if something happened to him. I heard Titus scratch on the door so I invited him to sleep  in his bed too.
It felt much easier to close my eyes. I didn't sleep for long when I heard the door open but not closing. I expected Damian to come in and wrap his arms around me but all I heard was an unclear whisper and the door shutting again.

I slept alone that night and I had a feeling that there were more of those nights to come.

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