Chapter 9

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Damian's pov

Some days like this, I miss to be Robin. As him, I have no fear.
Right now, I fear everything and mostly everything about [y/n].
Must be the hormones or some shit.
Her eyes traps me in a way that makes me embarrassed. The other day when we were having dinner I couldn't ask for the salt. I just ended up pointing with a stupid expression on my stupid face.

Now we had to go shop for clothes too.
I can already tell she will look cute in those school uniforms. And she will be going in my class too.. my grades will fail for reasons.

"We're here now, Damian. Don't fall sleep" Dick said while getting out of the limousine.
"[Y/n] hand me your measures. You and Damian can go look for some gala gown" he blinked at us before he left us alone.
"Yeah, it's some gathering my father arrange for charity. It's a tradition for the Wayne family"
"Is that so.. I've never been to one"
"Another reason why you should go I guess-"

She accedantly brushed her hand against mine. "S-sorry, I'm always a bit nervous" I slowly tangled my fingers with hers.
"It's okay. I am too"
"You of all people?" She asked sceptic, looking down at our hands.
"Yes, for I am about to ask you something"
"Yes, I want to" I looked up a bit surprised "really?"
"You have already claimed me as your girlfriend, Damian. It's just common sense"
She giggled and blinked.
"I wasn't just talking about the gala though"

She looked a bit confused. "Let me put it like this. I want to make it public. You and me" she smiled like crazy before she brushed her lips against mine. "I'd be honoured, Damian"
I smiled, looking into those [e/c] adorable eyes. "[y/n], I lo-"

Suddenly people were screaming. A truck was driving wildly and fast among the crowds, shattering people along the way.
In the last moment, I could throw myself over [y/n]. "Are you alright beloved!?] She seemed shocked.
"I'm okay Damian. What is happening?"
I looked around. The truck crashed into a building and people were running.
I grabbed her hand and ran with her to safety. We were lucky to get away before the explosion. The town almost seemed to be on fire.

"[y/n], go find Dick and Pennyworth, I'll meet you back there " I kissed her forhead before disappearing in to the crowd.

Your pov

"Damian!!" I shouted. I couldn't see him anywhere. I decided to find Dick first, telling him that his little brother is insane. I was in shock, what the hell did he run off for? I shortly found Dick. He hugged me in relief.

"Where's Damian?"
"He went away and told me to find you"
Dick lifted me up on his shoulder and ran to the limo where Alfred was waiting.
"You. Stay put and wait here, understand?"
Before I could answer he was gone. I turned to Pennyworth.
"You're just sitting here drinking tea?"
"I don't like to rush" he replied calmly.

I can't believe it. Is everybody insane? Suddenly I got a text from Damian.

💕Dami: Beloved, I might be late. Tell Pennyworth to drive you home. I'll be back for dinner xoxo

I did as he said. I hope he doesn't do anything stupid. However, I will talk to him when he gets home. Who the fuck runs off when something like this is happening?

*Time skip to dinner (cause I'm buttman)

Damian's pov

For fuck's sake. I'm tired of that fucking toymaster at his butthurt mega cockblocking-
My thoughts stopped when I found [y/n] sleeping on the couch I the hallway. She looked lovely but.. sad. You dont have to be a detective to know that she had been crying.
"I'm so sorry.." I whispered as I sat on the floor next to her.
I panicked a bit when I noticed I still was in my Robin costume. I quickly sneaked away before she woke up.

Your pov

I woke up in the hallway. I thought I heard Damian come home but there was no one here but me. I rubbed my eyes before going upstairs. I was planning to sleep in Damian's bed tonight. Not cancelling that plan though. I really need something that smells like him right now.

As I got there I found Damian sitting on his bed, topless.  I think I did hear him come home after all. He looked at me with blank, tired eyes.
I sat beside him in silence. He had many scars and also fresh wounds. He was so well built for his young age.
"I'm so sorry" he whispered.
"Just tell me what's going on, Dami"
"I'm sorry, I can't"
"Then what can you tell?" I sighed.
He suddenly moved very fast over me, pinning my hands down to the bed and kissed me, hard.
His lips danced on mine while he pressed his muscular body against my soft features. After a while I could feel his tounge, begging for entrance. He left out a deep moan while exploring my mouth. I felt something heat up between our bodies.

My face became warm as we parted. "I love you, [y/n]. That I can tell you"

Beware Of The Demon //Damian Wayne x Reader  Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat