42 - Moon and Back

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a/n: welcome back, sunshine! the song rec for this chapter is Moon and Back by Alice Kristiansen. tell me what you think of it, yeah? anyway, fingers crossed you'll feel the warmth from this one. hearts!!


Lauren has always been fond of simple things. The things she can grasp, maybe even hold between her fingers or under a light, and easily gauge as real and here.

One good example of this is how she's kept and carried around her first and only copy of Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird ever since she finished reading it the first time around. There's just something about how it's just so beautifully written like it was made exactly the way it was supposed to be, regardless of how many times she reads it.

And she thinks of this as she's standing there, eyes closed just like how Camila told her to, feeling the cool night air gently hit her face.

The taller girl's senses get washed over by a very familiar scent, although she cannot place her finger on it.

It brings her back to how she felt when she first read her favorite book. Thumbing through each page and taking each part as it comes - sure, she doesn't know where she's going with Camila.

But Lauren thinks that even if it ends in heartbreak, even if it ends in the most drastic way possible (i.e. she breaks Camila's heart), she's still going to consider every moment she's had with Camila as worth it.

"You can open your eyes now." Camila whispers near enough to yet again raise goosebumps on her skin.

Lauren does this and immediately feels her heart swell at the sight in front of her.

She recognizes the scent the moment she sees them - a small patch of a variety of lilies, planted all around the small secluded backyard of the function hall.

"Camz! H-How'd you know?" Lauren exclaims, feeling giddy as she strides towards the flowers and bends down to smell them.

"This is simple." Lauren thinks as she closes her eyes when the gentle scent of the white lily engulfs her.

"You told me about it, remember?"

"Hmmm?" Lauren mumbles absent-mindedly, busy running her hands through the tops of the flowers, memorizing how they feel like silk against her hand.

"Lo." Camila says in a serious tone, snapping Lauren from whatever trance the taller girl was in, making her look back at Camila.


"You haven't done the dare yet." The writer says, crossing her arms against her chest, stance wide.

Lauren almost audibly gulps at how Camila's being so authoritative all of a sudden.

"I'm sorry I don't think you've, um, said what the dare is."

Camila smirks like she knows exactly what she's doing before the smaller girl takes one step closer to Lauren and makes a 'come hither' motion with her index finger. The taller girl almost hesitates to do so, heat shooting through her core from the way Camila is looking at her.

"What is it, Camz?"

"Lauren Jauregui," Camila pauses, waiting for Lauren's response.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2019 ⏰

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