37 - Make You Mine (Part 1)

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a/n: sorry for the late update!! something ugly bad happened to a family member and we had to run around doing errands with regards to it :c but welcome back, dearest! fancy seeing you again! the song rec for this chapter is Make You Mine by PUBLIC. anyway, i won't keep you from reading the chapter any longer. hope you enjoy reading through this one! hearts!


Lauren stood there, completely unmoving, a hand gently touching the spot on her cheek where Camila has kissed her.

"What could it possibly have meant? It couldn't have possibly meant nothing, right?" Lauren's thoughts were racing, her heart beating wild like she just ran a marathon as she made her best attempt to wrap her mind around the fact that the girl she's been writing songs about for weeks now just kissed her.

Sure, it was just on the cheek. And yeah, it only lasted for a second or two.

But what the hell? Friends don't kiss each other on the cheek just to calm them down, right?

"Um, you okay there, Lo?" Dinah asks with a ghost of a smirk.

"W-What? Oh, um, yeah."

"You're stuttering like a useless lesbian." The taller of the two girls remarks, letting a huge grin form on her lips as she knows full well the effect of her best friend has on Lauren.

"I - I am a useless lesbian!" Lauren explaims as she covers her face, making Dinah laugh.

"Chill, woman! You got this!"

"I don't got this! Geez, she makes me feel so much, D!"

"Well, that's Camila for you."

"Yeah, but that kiss definitely meant something, right? I'm not the only one who'd think that it means something? Please answer me because I might possibly be losing my mind by the second." Lauren rambles, a crazy look on her eyes.

"Oh man, you got it that bad for Mila, huh?"

"Shit. Yeah. I honestly think that I do."

"So what's your plan now?"

"Well I want to talk to her about it. Like, confront her? Because I just - I don't want to just stay in the middle with her."

"In the middle?"

"Yeah, like where she and I are right now. Because I've been in one too many meaningless relationships to know how deep my colors run for people. But with Camila? Fuck. The colors don't run, Dinah. They fucking stay. And even when I'm not with her, I can feel her colors under my skin, like she's always with me, you know?"

"You... completely lost me there. But I can, uh, sort of get what you're trying to say anyway."

"Yeah... so..."

"What now?"

Lauren nibbles on her lower lip for a few moments, looking deep in thought, before finally looking up at Dinah to ask, "Do you happen to know what her favorite flower is?"


"Yeah? Why, is she... not into them?"

"Oh no, it's not that. It's just... I don't think anyone's ever went out of their way to know what her favorite flowers are."

So Close (Camren)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum